Saturday, December 31, 2011

12/31/2011- A Reason for a Daily Devotional About Faith-Hope-Love

If you are looking for a daily devotional to plug into about Christian faith for the coming year, you may have come to the right spot.

In a time in which people don't know what Christianity is really all about, and many Christian leaders have unloosed themselves from the anchor of scripture and even the person of Jesus, this devotion is an effort to stake ourselves firmly to the strengths of faith while also applying this faith to the current day (which is why it is written daily-or almost daily).

We cannot separate faith from the content of faith.  "Just believing" is meaningless unless we know what we believe.  So each day will have a bit of a classic creed (starting with the basics of the Westminster Shorter Catechism), but re-translating it into modern English.  So this will be a Christian blog- not an "all about me-and what I'm doing" blog.

We also cannot separate faith from love- lest we become dry as a well-preserved rose-petal.  Thus an emphasis on love- which makes faith dynamic, and the Holy Spirit- which applies faith to everyday life will be made.

We also cannot separate faith from hope- for faith is not yet made complete.  Hope finds some strength from missions- which is ever-reaching out in hopes for others to be influenced by the light of Christ. But our ultimate hope is found in God (Father,Son, Spirit) who calls us to Himself.

If you have been kind of drifting and need to be reminded of your north star- your hope this might be a good blog to feed into.
If you have been wondering why you believe what you do, this might be a great blog for you.
If you are looking for a source of daily nourishment from scripture as well as some deep thought from the past- this could be the place for you.
In our world there is a growing sense of fear, superstition and selfishness.  The best way to fight these things is not with more police, government, and laws- but with faith-hope-and love.

Come join us in a journey of faith hope and love.

(Left- Polaris- the North Star)

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