Monday, July 10, 2017

Those who Cause Others to Stumble

7Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! (Matthew 18:7)

Thoughts: There are things in life that cause people to stumble (to start to fall away from God and good).  There is doubt, there is suffering, there is evil that seems to be overwhelming and chaotic, there are false beliefs.  Jesus speaks later about wolves in sheep's clothing.  One of the things Jesus guards his disciples against are false teachers, false prophets, false leaders, and blind guides.  There will always be doubt in the world- but woe to the those who love to sow doubt, relishing in the destruction of faith, hope, and love.  There will always be suffering- but woe to those who inflict suffering, relishing in the pain of others which leads to spiritual pain and alienation.  There will always be evil but woe to those who love to destroy good and destroy values.  There will always be people who believe wrongly- by accident or on purpose, but woe to those who would purposefully teach false beliefs in order to destroy faith in God and hope in another person.  Jesus has no sympathy for those who love to lead people down destructive or wrong paths for the sake of their own god-imitated control, power, or money.  

Prayer: Lord, protect me from those who would destroy my faith or the faith of those I love.  Strengthen me with your truth, your hope, and faith in you.  

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