Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Resolutions and Planning

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."  (Proverbs 16:3) 

"In their heart, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." (Proverbs 16:9)

Thoughts: These two verses remind us that our great plans need to be submitted to the greatest architect.  He will take our plans- if our heart is set on Him- and will make them work and fine tune them.  He will test them like gold and silver are tested- burning away the selfish parts and leaving the eternally-valued parts.  
50% of Americans make resolutions, only 10% are still keeping them at the end of the month.  
But this does not mean it is impossible, nor does it mean we shouldn't even try.  
If you plan nothing- you will surely end up with nothing.  
But if you purpose something- you will at least think about where you are going and may end up accomplishing something by God's grace.  It is indeed God's grace that helps us and gives us strength to do what we ought to do- molding us and re-shaping us along the way.  
I have always liked the verse in Luke 2:52- "Jesus grew in wisdom, and stature, in favor with God and man."  Look to grow similarly- in your mind, in your body, spiritually and socially. 
Grow in wisdom- Make plans not to coast even if you have your degrees.  Love to learn.  But remember to learn in ways that honor God.  Do not learn how to do evil- or even more about evil.  What books will you read, or podcasts will you hear.  What will decide not to read, hear or look at this year?  I would suggest not allowing yourself to be sucked into fearful thinking.  Could you learn a language or a new skill this year?  With apps and youtube many things are available to us- where ought you to go? 
Grow in stature- How can you improve your diet or become healthier physically.  Your physical health affects your mental and spiritual health as well.  What foods will you avoid (eg. sugar, fat), what foods will you allow yourselves to indulge in.  How, when, and where will you eat? (Covid time may alter some of your normal patterns at least the first part of 2021).   
Grow in favor with God-  Plan what you will pray about daily.  I usually update my prayer list the first day of January.  Plan what you will read in the Bible.  There are many good books, but there is a Great book that has proven itself through the ages- and through which the Holy Spirit speaks.  Plan how you will encourage others and have others encourage you- how will you have fellowship with others in this Covid time to especially not be all by yourself.  God has given us tools like phones, Facetime, livestreamed worship for those who have to be isolated or quarantined.  How can you reach out to others? How can you help/serve other people.  Life is not just about taking in stuff.  But how can you witness for Christ during this time (maybe sharing a post?).  How can you help the needy (bring cans for We care to the office).  
How can you grow socially? What barriers with others can you break down?  Get other points of view than your own so you are not just mirroring yourself.  Think about political, racial barriers that could be broken down in the name of the love of Christ.  Again, if you are isolated or quarantined- don't just sit there and coast but write others, email others, message others, call others.  Maybe even surprise an old friend and renew an old relationship?  What new group could you challenge yourself to be a part of?  How can you grow socially at work?  How can you love others in the name of Christ?  

Pray about where God would have you to go (this doesn't have to be a 30 minute prayer). Write these down so you can look back at them in a month or the beginning of each quarter March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 31.  

Prayer: Lord, you have given me life and time.  Whatever I do, may I glorify you in it.  May I enjoy you in the coming year.  May I find my joy and peace in you as I seek to do your will.  Lead and shape me in 2021.  In Jesus name and for His sake.  Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ben, for your insightful thoughts of following God's plan for 2021. Always look forward to your Daily Devotions on Faith-Hope and Love..I pray that you, your family and LMPC have a God blessed year..
