Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Pastor?

 I am now two weeks into my official retirement from my pastorate I held for 18 years, and am officially retired in my denomination.  In the Roman Catholic Church the number of priests has declined from 59,000 in 1980 to 35,000 today despite the population and number of Catholics increasing in that same period.  In my denomination there were four ordained pastors for every opening in 2010 (https://pres-outlook.org/2017/09/pastoral-pipeline-will-enough-ministers-serve-presbyterian-church/), but now in 2022, despite the membership declining, there is a pastor shortage.  The Presbyterian (PCUSA) seminaries saw this coming and for the most part opened up their seminaries from being Presbyterian with a sprinkling of outsiders to being open to anyone who wants to come to keep their professors employed, buildings kept, and their endowments coming.  I get a look agape often if I identify myself as a minister.  It is almost like we are rarer than bigfoot.  
   Let's look at some reasons for this.  1) Theological malaise.  There is little zeal these days to be a minister in an increasingly secular society.  Despite all those Christians who try to celebrate the ending of Christendom, there is the danger of the ending of enthusiasm for the moral, helpful (to the poor/needy), and spiritual zeal the church once furnished.  Once we began winking at behavior and choices, the zeal of the church to influence behavior and choices waned.  The Ten Commandments became the Ten Suggestions.  The belief that belief can make a difference in behavior slides, and thus, those who want to invest their lives in making a difference in behavior (like ministers), decrease. 
2) Secular reasons- a) Money- in terms of real dollars, the amount a minister gets paid has decreased sharply over the last forty years.  The rule of thumb of the past was that a minister should get paid the amount a principal in the town gets paid (with similar education credentials).  b) Respect- In our graceless age, the Church has been under a microscope looking for sin- and Calvinists are not surprised that sin is found!  But social media and others think they have the right to demand perfection in ministers- in grammar, in etiquette, in availability (on call 24/7), and service.  Whereas ministers were often asked to be on community boards (chamber, school, etc), they are not asked as often these days- another sign of lack of respect. c) Hyper criticism.  There has always been criticism.  They locked up Peter and John and told them not to speak Jesus' name anymore.  Diocletian (5th century)thought that if you could get rid of all the Bibles and clergy, you could get rid of the faith (he was unsuccessful).  Today there are those who don't want ministers to pray publicly (do it anyway), or even exist- they are part of a sinful, patriarchal past.  But the alternative of secularism has been tried before and failed sharply (guillotene of the French Revolution or the Gulags of the USSR or the millions who died in the cultural revolution of China).  The best way foward is to go back to the One who made us and listen.   3) Many current ministers do not see their calling as important.  If ministry is just a job, then you will work up to what you think you'll get paid.  There are many more reasons.    
      Yesterday one of my grandchildren said they wanted to be doctor- but not a physician doctor.  I asked if they wanted to be a teacher who held a doctorate (her mom is a teacher), or a preacher who held a doctorate (like me), but she said a "veterinarian."  Thus, I am inspired to think, pray, and write this piece.  While my children and grandchildren believe, none have chosen to go into ministry.  It is, frankly, hard work for little pay.  But as I often say, "The benefits are out of this world."  Colossians 3:23,24 "Whatever you are called to do, work at it with all your heart, working for the Lord and not for your human bosses.  Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."  Perhaps a deeper question is, "Do you believe God blesses people who serve Him?"  I believe it.  I have experienced it.  It is not always (and in fact rarely) financial or worldly.  But in terms of meaning and passion, there is nothing like serving God in ministry.  I think- even after 40 years- that it is the highest calling God can give someone in life.  I say that knowing there is the priesthood of all believers, and every call is honored by God.  But there is also the promise that those elders who serve the church well are worthy of double honor- especially those who preach and teach (1 Tim. 5:17).  
       So let me expound very briefly- lest I lose anyone.  1) In Christian ministry you get to concentrate on what will last.  People today talk about their "legacy."  In 100 years or even 300 years there is no such thing for the vast majority of us.  Most kings, presidents, popes are forgotten by then.  Even if we talk about people building on what we have done, that too will become miniscule and forgotten.  We are but dust and to dust we shall return.  But two things on this earth last, the Word of God and eternal souls. If you lead someone to Christ, that is an eternal work, that makes an eternal difference.  If you give someone hope, encouragement, inspiration to love their family (the closest neighbor), then you are doing important stuff.  Go to Rome and look at the ruins of that great civilization, or to other areas.  The clay soldiers of China (Quinshihuang of 210 BC) were meant to last forever but many didn't make it.  The pyramids were meant to be sealed tombs, but tomb raiders found their way into almost each one.  
2) Beliefs do influence behavior.  So the relatively new belief in climate change has solicited trillions of dollars from science and the government to turn things around.  In America and the West we have forsaken our inheritance of faith.  To me, what that means is that there is work to be done.  The Harvest is still white- the Lord needs the best to do the best work.  While there is theological malaise, that doesn't mean that there should be, and the way out is found by those willing to step in and not just hold the line- but lead the charge.  3) It is a privilege to be like Jesus.  Paul said he considered all the worldly things he gave up- his educational, rabbinical, wealth and prestige as rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of serving Christ (Philippians 3:8).  Jesus was criticized, mocked, despised, had no wealth, but more people know the name of this humble teacher from Galilee than any other name in the world.  He is worshiped and followed in every country.  There is so much more to life than being popular.  The basketball star is popular until they lose their speed and defense.  The movie star or musician/singer are popular but quickly can be replaced and forgotten.  The most popular politician can dive bomb within four years.  What is much more important than being popular or entertaining?  It is being faithful and helpful- serving the God who made us.  The word of the title are not honorific titles, but their origin is servitude- a bishop, a pastor- comes from being a lowly shepherd to a flock;  a minister means a servant.  Jesus said "now that I your Lord have washed your feet, so you should wash one anothers' feet (John 13:14).  Humility and meekness are not valued much today.  But the meekest man said, "The meek shall inherit the earth."  In fact, when ministers are honored highly, often that is when corruption and pride creep in.  A cross-less minister is not a good one.  Alas, not many want to make that sacrifice even if it means blessing from God.  But I would still say, there is no better or higher calling.  

Lord of the harvest, raise up laborers for the harvest field.  May your church learn to encourage people to go into the great work of serving you.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.  

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Importance of Pastoral Care

 A secular person would have no idea what "Pastoral Care" means.  But today, many church people have become confused as well.  Many think they do not need it anyway.  What people say they need is a counselor, psychologist or at best a spiritual advisor.  But Pastoral Care is the care for the soul, by a person who is called to be a shepherd of the soul.  The word "Pastor" means shepherd.  
      We all need someone to shepherd us- like a shepherd takes care of their flock.  They need to be gathered together and spiritually fed; the sick need to be tended and helped toward healing; they need to be brought back when they stray away; 
     So good pastoral care goes after those who are straying away, pointing them back to the right way. Pastoral Care is not just caring for the sick- though that is important.  Jesus healed people when he walked on this earth.  The church has always had a role in healing- praying for people, encouraging them to get the best possible physical care.  People need to be reminded where their purpose/reason for living abides- in the Lord.  He is the chief purpose.  When we lose sight of that, we need to be reminded- and that is part of pastoral care.  
     The act of pastoral care involves listening; pointing to help- especially from God; Praying for their need;  Then following up on their need.  Symptoms of someone without pastoral care are: purposelessness, hopelessness, self-centeredness, short sightedness, a concentration on the things of this world (greed, hate, dissensions, breaking the commandments, etc).  Pastoral care given properly, lifts them up from selfishness to God.   While we may find our soul in conversion, and build up our soul through Christian education, the care of the soul is very important.  

Ezekiel 34: 

2“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who only feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed their flock? 3You eat the fat, wear the wool, and butcher the fattened sheep, but you do not feed the flock.

4You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bound up the injured, brought back the strays, or searched for the lost. Instead, you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. 5They were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild beasts. 6My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. They were scattered over the face of all the earth, with no one to search for them or seek them out.’

7Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 8‘As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, because My flock lacks a shepherd and has become prey and food for every wild beast, and because My shepherds did not search for My flock but fed themselves instead, 9therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD!’

10This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand from them My flock and remove them from tending the flock, so that they can no longer feed themselves. For I will deliver My flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.’

11For this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I Myself will search for My flock and seek them out. 12As a shepherd looks for his scattered sheep when he is among the flock, so I will look for My flock.

I will rescue them from all the places to which they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness. 13I will bring them out from the peoples, gather them from the countries, and bring them into their own land. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines, and in all the settlements of the land. 14I will feed them in good pasture, and the lofty mountains of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in a good grazing land; they will feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be a good shepherd. Keep me from simply feeding myself and not caring for others.  Let me model myself after you, the Great Shepherd of the sheep.  

Saturday, September 10, 2022

When the World Changes- Look to Jesus


Breakfast Outdoors- by the Lake- with Jesus When the World Was Changing- John 21:1-14

Do you get a sense that the world is changing?  Queen Elizabeth II- the 96 year old UK Monarch died this week.  Covid changed our world rapidly- and coming out of Covid- our world is changing too- inflation has come; people are refusing to work; supply change issues and shortages are still here (try buying a car today).   
No doubt the disciples were feeling the same way.  They saw their world changing.  They went from fishermen to followers of Christ, to being amazed at his teachings and miracles, to being dismayed and in fear at His arrest and crucifixion, to being inspired by His resurrection- all within three years- and most with a few days.  It is a bit ironic that when Jesus had been arrested, crucified, and rose from the dead- Peter basically says (vs 3), “I’m going fishing.”  He was wanting an escape.  I have felt the same way- I’ll go fishing on the lake- I’ll go hiking- I’ll go on vacation- I’ll watch football.  But though they fished all night, Peter and the disciples with him came up empty. 
Why would you want to get away in a time when the world is changing- and your life is making a drastic change?  You maybe looking for a breath- some relief.  But oftentimes- the best vacation wearies you- and you would like a few days to recover from your vacation, the best relief may bring stress.  The disciples had hoped for some refreshment, some strength from eating fish and nourishment. 
     THEN JESUS CAME- Jesus told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat.  Now, when Jesus first called the disciples according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke- many of them were fishermen and had fished all night and caught nothing.  Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side and they caught so many fish their nets began to break.  So Jesus’ doing this again- was an indication of His identity- He is Lord of the fish, and His power to provide for the disciples.  Their efforts were in vain- but with Jesus their efforts could bear fruit.  I am reminded of Haggai’s words to the exiles who had returned to the land.  He told them, “Give careful thought to your ways- you have planted much and harvested little; You eat, but never have enough; You drink but never have your fill.  You put on clothes but are not warm; You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it..The reason why was the people had built beautiful paneled houses for themselves but left God’s house in ruins.  You go fishing and it is fruitless.  Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.  But with Him anything is possible.  I believe that.  I have seen that. 
     THEN JESUS PROVIDED FOR THEM- Not only did they catch fish.  But when they got to the shore- Jesus had already started a fire and was cooking bread and fish on it.  Not too far away on the same lake- Jesus had fed over 5,000 people with… bread and fish!  He was not just feeding them, He was saying God would provide for them.  I would like to know where Jesus bought that bread.  There was no grocery store around.  Even today- that section of Lake Galilee/Tiberius (the Roman name) is isolated.  But Jesus cooked breakfast for them.   Hubert Joly was CEO of Best Buy in a changing time- when Amazon and e-tail was taking over his kind of business.  It was a changing time for the company. He was told he needed to lay off thousands of employees.  But instead he motivated them to plug into the company- developing the idea of self-empowering, self directed employees. He said employees are not a resource but the center of the company.  He served his employees and it worked.  He also gave them a purpose.  He said “If I had just said, We are going to double the share price or the earnings per share on the stock market- who would have cared?”  But he said we are not a consumer electronics retailer- we are enriching lives through technology- addressing key human needs.”  But let me tell you the best key human need is not a computer/TV/refrigerator.  It is the deep need of the soul.  That is a  need only Jesus could meet.  After he fed them breakfast- Jesus reinstated Peter- forgiving Him and inviting Him to the purpose of feeding the people (feed my sheep).  He gave them all the great commission- as the father has sent me, so send I you. 
The verse right before our passage says, “I write these things so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” In a changing time, we need a purpose.  Our purpose in starting Foundation Presbyterian Church has been that people will hear the Gospel- believe- and then may have eternal life.  Eternal life does not start after you die- it starts right now.  Today is the first day of the rest of your eternal life.  In a changing time- you need to not abandon- but remember where your focus is. 
    When 911 occurred 21 years ago now, everything changed.  The War in Afghanistan that ended in a sad way last year, began.  We had a purpose to fight back.  But we have lost our true purpose as a country. In the Cold War days we knew we were different from the Atheistic Soviet Union- and our faith united us.  Many have abandoned their faith today.  But on the day of 911 there were many stories of faith.  Many Americans prayed, and looked to God for help.  The US Congress sang together- democrats and republicans “God bless America” on the congress steps.  Queen Elizabeth had “The Star Spangled Banner”- our national anthem played at the changing of the guard- and sang it- the only British monarch to ever sing it.  Last year she said in a letter to President Biden, “My thoughts and prayers remain with the victims and survivors and families affected as well as the first responders and rescue workers called to duty.”  Queen Elizbeth also famously said that she “Found great comfort in difficult times in Christ’s words."  In her address that Christmas she again mentioned 911 and said, “As so often in our lives at times of tragedy—just as on occasions of celebration and thanksgiving- we look to he Church to bring us together in commemoration and tribute.”  This is a legacy passed down to us.  In difficult times- we should find comfort, strength, peace and grace in Christ.  He is the living Lord- with a living word for each of us. 

[This sermon was preached on the last time preaching at Foundation Presbyterian Church before retirement]. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Why Say anything about Jesus

 There are those who say that telling other people about your faith is being belligerent, disrespectful, and perhaps judgmental or even harmful.  Such indications place a premium on feelings above reality.  
For statistically- those who have faith are happier, live longer (2-3 years on average-) , have stronger families, and tend to stay away from crime and drugs.  Emotionally, those who have faith tend to be less depressed and live more purposeful lives.  Robert Putnam of Harvard (Based on the Faith Matters Survey) noted that "religious Americans are more active in civic affairs, more trusting of others, more apt to give time & money to charities- including secular ones."  A recent study by Brian and Melissa Grim of Georgetown University found that the "value of services provided by religious organizations and the impact religion has on the number of important American businesses totals roughly $1.2 trillion or the equivalent of the GDP of Australia.  

We all know religious attendance is declining especially among "mainline/old line" churches.  Part of it is that many feel like their faith is unimportant.  Some in the pulpit act like it is unimportant- but it is a matter of life and death- not only for the next life- but also for the abundant life now.  

The best way to reach people in the Christian faith is to start new churches or organizations.  The old has a lot of strings attached- social clicks, and raised expectations.  

Why say anything about Jesus?  If you get any hope from your faith in Jesus- any strength, any good, any love, any motivation, any altruism, any good- then that is a reason to share what you have with others.  The old saying is always true- it is one beggar telling another beggar where to get the bread.  

But alas- that sounds a bit selfish and self-centered again.  This is the human problem and specifically these days the American civic problem.  Religion seems only important in as far as it can help us do better or be more comfortable.  The problem with this is that as soon as we get uncomfortable- someone says something that irritates us in church; or cancer comes; or we lose our job- we think that our faith- which is supposed to be the magic pill- has let us down.  Again- such thinking is all about feelings and self-centeredness.  

What about if it is not about me?  

What if there is more to life- and I- and my feelings are only a small- albeit important- part?

What if there is a God who made us- loves us- and wants us to respond?  If there is such a One- whether we are comfortable at the time or not- whether we think we have figured everything out or not- then maybe He is worth our time- even our focus- even our lives.  Others have thought so.  If God is personal, loving, caring- (as Jesus shows)- then He is also worthy of our telling others.  

In a day when we are coming out of hurt after hurt- AIDS, 911, Afghanistan War, Ukraine War, economic uncertainty, political strife, COVID, Monkeypox...now more than ever- we need God. 

So- I invite you- worship Him- somewhere.  If you find it boring- perhaps you are focusing again on what you can get out of it instead of who we are there to worship.