Friday, February 3, 2017

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.  Matthew 5:9

Thoughts: Peacemakers are not the same thing as protesters.  Sometimes protesters  can protest peacefully, and they can seek to make peace between people.  But in our day, protesters may simply be protesting that their way is better or they are being neglected.  Peacemakers stand between those who are being left out and those who have power and bring them together.
     Today if you google an image of a peacemaker- you will either get a gun called a "Peacemaker" or a protester.  Jesus was not speaking of either one here. The peace made by the gun or the peace made by a political decision is not the same and not nearly as powerful as the peace made in the heart.
     It is important to define what peace really means.  Peace is not just toleration or non-conflict in the Biblical sense.  Peace means wholeness- and well-being- shalom.  It is being at peace with God, with others, with yourself.  The peace of shalom is the ushering in of God's kingdom peace. Peace is not ignoring hate. Peace is not the peace of death (rest in peace) where there is no activity or worry because there is only death.  But the peace of God is an active peace- that helps people, heals people, strengthens life, destroys hate with active love.  Peace is not cheap (JR Stott), but is costly and valuable.  In some sense peacemaking is bringing hope and peace to others- a sharing of the Gospel does just that.
     I have sometimes heard that middle children (the middle of three in particular) are often peacemakers, who stand in the middle and unite the two other siblings. Peacemaking is being a mediator- the role of a priest.  Jesus was the ultimate peacemaker and priest who stood between God and humans and brought them together- through the sacrifice of Himself.  We model and become the children of God when we follow Him in this practice- sacrificing ourselves for the peace of others.

Prayer: Lord, you are the Prince of Peace.  Help me to bring peace to others.  Help me to be a peacemaker.

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