Friday, April 21, 2017

The Fullness of God for all the People

 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19)

Thoughts: "Therefore go" could be as easily translated "Having gone."  The difference in the two translations is subtle (conveying the aorist passive participle).  It conveys the idea that because Some have translated this- "therefore as you are going."  What is the "therefore" there for?  Right before it says, "all authority has been given me... therefore..."   We have confidence to go because Jesus has gone to the pits of hell and the heights of heaven and conquered them all.  We do not need to be afraid of going or to be afraid of death.
    Jesus is concerned about all nations (pante ta ethne).  He is not just concerned with Israel, or the United States- and He wants us also to care for all people and not just those like us.  All nations need Jesus.  All nations- all peoples (ethne could be translated peoples), need the Lord and the hope of eternal life.  We are to seek to not just tell them- like one huge internet or radio blast.  We are called to make disciples- make followers of Christ which is a much more difficult calling.
    Baptism is the initiation into following.  It is not just baptizing in the name of the Father- like all who believe in a creator God are following the same call.  We are also to baptize in the name of the Son Jesus.  We are also called to baptize into the Spirit- who makes the baptism real for us.   God in His full self is expressed in Father- Son- and Holy Spirit.  We should not want just a part god- but the fullness expressed in the Trinity- the one in three.  So it is not just the Spirit of God- some spirituality without the hope of the resurrection of Christ that counts.  Nor is it just worshiping Jesus- and leaving out the Old Testament God or the presence of God- working today. The world needs to be baptized in the fullness of God, and we do not need to shrink back from telling the world the richness of the love of God. 

Prayer: Lord, give me the courage to go and make disciples.  Give me the grace to speak of you fully without hesitiation because the world needs you.  

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