Sunday, June 3, 2018

David's Charge to His Son

1When the time drew near for David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon his son.
2“I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, act like a man, 3and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go (1 Kings 1 )

Thoughts: These were King David's last words to Solomon.  He gave some specific things concerning his succession, the keeping of the throne, and the building of the Temple.  But these are words that might could apply to any father- son relationship.  David was trying to not just pass the throne on, but the God that gave Him the throne on.  David knew what a blessing God had been to him.  He knew God took him from the sheep pen to the throne.  He also knew God had sustained him in his toughest hours.  David wanted Solomon to have this greatest of all blessings as well.  No doubt he wanted Solomon to have a purpose by serving God.  But more than all of that- He just wanted Solomon to have God- period.  God is worth having no matter what our blessings or purpose.  God is worth having if our life is tough or if we lack direction.  God is God- and because He made us- redeems us- calls us- simple because He is God- a God of love- He is worthy. 
    I have encouraged people to make a will- but in that will include a testament.  The official word is "last will and testament."  But we often leave the "testament" part out.  I suggest people put a testimony in their will as Christians have done up until the 1950s.  It then becomes a legal, searchable, historic document. It is something that has to be read to your children or heirs. 
   Here is a sample- what my wife and I have put in our will:  Our greatest inheritance to our children, grandchildren, descendants and friends is our testament that God, in His love and grace, has seen us through so much in this life, and has given us a continual hope beyond this life.  It is our hope that when we leave this world we will have left behind the godly inheritance that no one can take away that is more precious than silver or gold.  It is our hope that our descendants will keep the faith and hope entrusted to them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  

Prayer:  Today, Lord, I pray for my children, grandchildren, heirs, great- grandchildren and my descendants.  May they know you, Lord.  May they know your goodness and blessings.  May they also know of my faith in you.  

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