Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/16/13- Prayers with the Saints

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work;
prayer is the greater work."
Oswald Chambers

 "Prayer is my chief work,
and it is by means of it that I carry on the rest."
 Thomas Hooker

"Our prayer must not be self-centered.
It must arise not only because we feel our own need
as a burden we must lay upon God,
but also because we are so bound up in love for our fellow men that we feel their need as acutely as our own.
 To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them.“
 John Calvin
A Month in Prayer 
Praying the Prayers of the Church throughout the Ages
               October 16

The next five days we will be praying the prayers of church throughout the ages.  You will see the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer reflected in these prayers. These prayers begin when the church  emerged from severe persecution at the beginning of the fourth century  and continue through the end of the twentieth century. The Reformation period is omitted
as we will pray those prayers later. As you pray through centuries of worship you will notice both similarities and differences  with prayers in our time. It is inspiring to watch our unchanging faith  continuously transform an ever-changing world.

Eusebius (c.275-339)

Dear Lord,
May I be no man's enemy, and may I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides.
May I never quarrel with those nearest me; and if I do, may I be reconciled quickly.
May I never devise evil against any person. If any devise evil against me, may I escape uninjured and without the need of hurting them.
May I love, seek and attain only that which is good.
May I wish for all humanity's happiness and envy none.
May I, to the extent of my power, give all needful help to my friends and to all who are in want.
May I respect myself. May I always keep tame that which rages in me.
May I accustom myself to be gentle, and never be angry with people because of circumstances.
May I never discuss who is wicked  and what wicked things he has done, but know good people and follow in their footsteps.
Augustine (354-430)

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy. Amen.

The Breastplate of Saint Patrick (c.390-460) attributed

I arise today through a mighty strength,
the invocation of the Trinity,
through belief in the Threeness,
through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation.

I arise today through the strength of Christ with His Baptism,
through the strength of His Crucifixion with His Burial,
through the strength of His Resurrection with His Ascension,
through the strength of His descent for the Judgment of Doom…

I arise today, through God's strength to pilot me:
God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me, God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me, God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me, God's shield to protect me,
God's host to secure me…

The Breastplate of Saint Patrick (c.390-460) attributed

Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ in breadth, Christ in length,
Christ in height,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today through a mighty strength,
the invocation of the Trinity,
through belief in the Threeness,
through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation.

Salvation is of the Lord. Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of Christ.
May Thy Salvation, O Lord, be ever with us.


For more- Including the Lord's Prayer- see http://thirtydaysinprayer.blogspot.com/

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