Monday, September 30, 2019

The Honor of the Graybeard

“You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the graybeard of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:32)

      Moffatt Burriss Sr. was a man who drew respect from you whether you liked it or not.  He valued God and country.  He taught his family to appreciate Montreat so that they all have houses here and a gazebo on Lake Susan in honor of Louisa, their mother.  His exploits during World War II- found in the book “Strike and Hold” are worth remembering- courage and quick thinking under fire.  His service to his community and to South Carolina are noteworthy both as a businessman and as a representative of the people in the statehouse.   Moffatt knew how to respect people, and taught that. 
    In this passage of the Law, the people were taught to stand before the aged- of the “gray headed.”  Just surviving- persevering- going through the ups and downs is worthy of respect in and of itself.  To live a long life is a sign of God’s blessing, because each day is a gift. 
    In a strange change of values in the last thirty years, we value strength more than experience; youth more than wisdom; fads and fashion more than what will last.   Perhaps we value such things because they will surely fade- beauty, youth, strength.  But instead of valuing things that will perish so quickly, we ought to value things that will last.  The difference can be seen in many things.  Take clothes- a pair of cheap shoes- vinyl bought at Walmart may be in fashion, but within a year of use the sole will fall off.  A pair of more expensive leather shoes will hold up and conform to your foot.   A cheap tie may look good, but the first time a rain comes it will fall apart.  But value a tie that lasts and that you get to know.  
So an older person, who has lived through the ups and downs of life has something of value to give- crystallized intelligence. 
      Our passage says “honor the ‘graybeard’ (or ‘old face’) of an old man and you shall fear your God.”  How is this so?  How are we taught about a man who lived 2,000 years ago and gave Himself on the cross for our sins so we might have life?  We must trust those who went before us- trust their story- trust their trust.  To not trust the Bible is to not trust the core Gospel truth.   
     In the 1960s the saying was “don’t trust anyone over 30.”  Now all of those who said that are over 30.  Pepsi had commercial after commercial showing pictures of pretty young girls and handsome athletic men.  The commercial said, “Join the Pepsi Generation.”  Now most of those in that ad are in nursing homes and use walkers and are in their eighties. I am not sure any commercials will come around now inviting us to join that generation!  My point is youth fades and to over value being in it takes away from the enjoyment of life and the ability to listen for wisdom from the wise.  There are many smart people today and we know more information today.  But our ability to filter through the information is missing because we have forgotten to honor those who can sift through it for us- who have perspective and experience in life.  Yes, honor the graybeard- and you shall fear God.”

Prayer: Lord, keep me from being short-sighted.  Help me to value what you value- what is true, full of love and light.  Give me today, the perspective I need.  Help me to honor those who have experience.

[Written at "The Graybeard" house in Montreat- home of John and Becca Burriss;
Celebrating a 62nd birthday and 15 years at LMPC- cause to reflect on "grayness."]

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