Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pray for God's Glory Across the Earth

The theme for the United States' National Day of Prayer (5/7/20) is "Pray God's Glory Across the Earth"  and the verse is "For the earth will be fill with the knowledge of the glory of Lord, as the waters cover the see" (Habakkuk 2:14).  

This coronavirus is a global pandemic, with no nation left untouched with the fear of it- and almost 4 million cases, 265k deaths, and 1.3 million recovered.   Let us pray that this global sickness will go away with global healing- and that all the earth will know it is the Lord who heals us.
     There are many, even in powerful positions, who are saying blasphemous things against God and against the holy means of grace (like prayer) that God gives to us.  So Gov. Cuomo of New York says, “The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Faith did not do that" (the numbers since then have been 107,463 new cases and 8,811 new deaths).  In saying this, he implies we do things solely on our own- everything is in our own power.  But God works through His people and His Spirit.  If we need to see anything, it is that our own powers are limited and we need God's mercy and help.  It is arrogant and denies help from God to say we did this without Him and we do not need Him now.  There are many who show their true colors of their faith (or lack of it) by saying worship should stop but "essential" things go on- not knowing that of all things done on earth- worship is the only thing that rings on for eternity.  Fear is not fought back by denial or even by science or Valium.  Ultimate fear is combated by the Ultimate Prince of Peace.  Prayer is a weapon God has given us to calm our anxieties (Phil. 4:6,7), but also to change things and heal our land.
    My prayer at this point is not just that we are helped- will pray that- but also that we are helped in a way that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  

Prayer: Lord, may this global sickness bring you global cries for mercy and ultimately global thanks and praise.  Apart from you we can do nothing- but with you all things are possible.   You have humbled us, now bring us mercy and your peace.  

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