Monday, November 7, 2022

Election Day

 "I urge...that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving  be made for all people-- for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  (1 Tim. 2:1-7)

Pray about all things ( 1 Thess. 5:17)

Thoughts:  It is time to elect officials for our midterm elections.  CNBC notes that spending on the USA midterm elections "will top $16.7 billion making them the most expensive midterms ever." This is an increase of almost $2 billion over 2018.  The Hill pointed out that 10 wealthy individuals spent a half billion themselves on the elections.  This spending is greater than the Gross domestic product of 16 different African nations in a year.  Why are we willing to spend so much?  Control.  The lust for control is important to human beings.  

How should Christians respond?  Pray- for those in authority.  In the end there is only one King of kings and Lord of lords.  To not ask for His mercy, help, grace, and leading would be to think we are only in it ourselves and it only depends on us- and we just don't need Him.  We should pray for fair and undivisive elections.  
I am convinced God does not care which party wins.  But He does care about the direction and decisions of our nation- as He does for every nation.  We are not responsible for the directions of other nations, but as voters we have a say and a prayer for ours.  God care about the individuals who run and their families and friends as well.  When we are told to pray about all things- this means do not limit your prayers.  Simply lift them up and let God say "yes", "No" or "wait."  But if we do not pray, we impoverish our thought of God's care and our own soul shrinks a bit.  
By the way- pray about all things- may include the little things in your life- even the entertainment and games.  But God sees a wider arc and answer according to what is best- not for a team's winning or a selfish gain as much as for His glory.  

So, pray.  Be informed.  This means not just go to your favorite sources but even sources you do not like to hear from.  It means have an educated vote. 

Then go vote.  We are called to be the very best citizens- and this means taking part in the vote and the government.  

Afterwards, pray that God will guide the newly elected officials to listen to Him and to His Word, and for a full equipment of wisdom, strength, health and direction.  

Prayer: Lord, bless the coming election.  May those who are elected listen to your voice.  Lead us through the ones elected.  In Christ's Name and for His Sake.  Amen.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Plastic Skeletons and the Embracing of Death

     About every fifth house in my subdivision has a plastic skeleton in it.  Some have plastic tombstones to boot.  Halloween has evolved into one of the biggest holidays behind Christmas in America.  
     My point in this is not to bash it or to hallow it (pun).  But simply to point out the great irony, and to maybe point to something in our psyche about it.  We have come a long way in the last generation (40 years) of a pumpkin on the porch.  
      After all, we have for the last century, tried to hide death.  We spend billions on trying to fake people into thinking we are younger than we are.  Think about the millions spent on adding (or at least keeping more) hair.  Some buy plugs, some buy wigs, some buy color- all in the name of looking younger- and thus more attractive.  Why is young attractive?  It is not just the sexual motivation.  Most, older adults have moved way past wanting more sexual adventures, yet the push to look younger is more prevalent among those who are not so young.  Let me add- wrinkle cream, botox, plastic lifts of all kinds.  The object of this is not just for actual health (which going to the gym adds) but a kind of fake health.  Of course there are more subtle motivations to try to look younger- beautiful people tend to be thought of more positively and get a good first impression, tend to be more popular, etc.  
      When someone actually dies, we try to hide the gruesomeness of it.  The mortician is called in to make them look and smell good so we will feel good (or at least better) about their passing.  
      So why are we now adding plastic death decorations to our yards?  Most would say it is just part of the fun, and smile with a call to "lighten up."  But I am just curious... why are plastic skeletons fun?  
      Truth is, death is something that comes to us all- even more certain than taxes.  It is the great equalizer- despite the eulogies, great coffins, and parades of queens and leaders.  In a hundred years the street signs named after someone have lost their meaning. 
      Here are some statistics:  About 70% of Americans celebrate Halloween.  $10.6 billion is spent up about half a billion over the year before.  We may not spend more on Halloween, but we decorate more- second to only Christmas.  
      So my theory of our love for scary and death in October is simply letting our fear and fascination of death have an outlet.  But like most things, if we lose our balance, and are overly fascinated with death- we can begin to give more power to death than it ought to have.  I think about that Blue Oyster Cult song, "Don't Fear the Reaper" which encourages worship of the god of the dead.  There is a God of the dead, but it is the God of life.  The Resurrection of Jesus (and his raising of others) is a reminder that God makes life out of chaos and gives hope even in the hopelessness of death.  Christian martyrs are a great image here.  They died- and died a brave death.  For the Romans (and for others today) death is the final punishment.  But Christians believe we conquer even in death.  So don't fear the reaper- not because it is simply inevitable- but because there is the hope of life in and after death in (and with faith in) Christ.  

Prayer: Lord, Help me to be one who emphasizes life in the face of death.  We pray for those who are afraid of death and of the things around death. Let your light of life shine through me.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Pastor?

 I am now two weeks into my official retirement from my pastorate I held for 18 years, and am officially retired in my denomination.  In the Roman Catholic Church the number of priests has declined from 59,000 in 1980 to 35,000 today despite the population and number of Catholics increasing in that same period.  In my denomination there were four ordained pastors for every opening in 2010 (, but now in 2022, despite the membership declining, there is a pastor shortage.  The Presbyterian (PCUSA) seminaries saw this coming and for the most part opened up their seminaries from being Presbyterian with a sprinkling of outsiders to being open to anyone who wants to come to keep their professors employed, buildings kept, and their endowments coming.  I get a look agape often if I identify myself as a minister.  It is almost like we are rarer than bigfoot.  
   Let's look at some reasons for this.  1) Theological malaise.  There is little zeal these days to be a minister in an increasingly secular society.  Despite all those Christians who try to celebrate the ending of Christendom, there is the danger of the ending of enthusiasm for the moral, helpful (to the poor/needy), and spiritual zeal the church once furnished.  Once we began winking at behavior and choices, the zeal of the church to influence behavior and choices waned.  The Ten Commandments became the Ten Suggestions.  The belief that belief can make a difference in behavior slides, and thus, those who want to invest their lives in making a difference in behavior (like ministers), decrease. 
2) Secular reasons- a) Money- in terms of real dollars, the amount a minister gets paid has decreased sharply over the last forty years.  The rule of thumb of the past was that a minister should get paid the amount a principal in the town gets paid (with similar education credentials).  b) Respect- In our graceless age, the Church has been under a microscope looking for sin- and Calvinists are not surprised that sin is found!  But social media and others think they have the right to demand perfection in ministers- in grammar, in etiquette, in availability (on call 24/7), and service.  Whereas ministers were often asked to be on community boards (chamber, school, etc), they are not asked as often these days- another sign of lack of respect. c) Hyper criticism.  There has always been criticism.  They locked up Peter and John and told them not to speak Jesus' name anymore.  Diocletian (5th century)thought that if you could get rid of all the Bibles and clergy, you could get rid of the faith (he was unsuccessful).  Today there are those who don't want ministers to pray publicly (do it anyway), or even exist- they are part of a sinful, patriarchal past.  But the alternative of secularism has been tried before and failed sharply (guillotene of the French Revolution or the Gulags of the USSR or the millions who died in the cultural revolution of China).  The best way foward is to go back to the One who made us and listen.   3) Many current ministers do not see their calling as important.  If ministry is just a job, then you will work up to what you think you'll get paid.  There are many more reasons.    
      Yesterday one of my grandchildren said they wanted to be doctor- but not a physician doctor.  I asked if they wanted to be a teacher who held a doctorate (her mom is a teacher), or a preacher who held a doctorate (like me), but she said a "veterinarian."  Thus, I am inspired to think, pray, and write this piece.  While my children and grandchildren believe, none have chosen to go into ministry.  It is, frankly, hard work for little pay.  But as I often say, "The benefits are out of this world."  Colossians 3:23,24 "Whatever you are called to do, work at it with all your heart, working for the Lord and not for your human bosses.  Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."  Perhaps a deeper question is, "Do you believe God blesses people who serve Him?"  I believe it.  I have experienced it.  It is not always (and in fact rarely) financial or worldly.  But in terms of meaning and passion, there is nothing like serving God in ministry.  I think- even after 40 years- that it is the highest calling God can give someone in life.  I say that knowing there is the priesthood of all believers, and every call is honored by God.  But there is also the promise that those elders who serve the church well are worthy of double honor- especially those who preach and teach (1 Tim. 5:17).  
       So let me expound very briefly- lest I lose anyone.  1) In Christian ministry you get to concentrate on what will last.  People today talk about their "legacy."  In 100 years or even 300 years there is no such thing for the vast majority of us.  Most kings, presidents, popes are forgotten by then.  Even if we talk about people building on what we have done, that too will become miniscule and forgotten.  We are but dust and to dust we shall return.  But two things on this earth last, the Word of God and eternal souls. If you lead someone to Christ, that is an eternal work, that makes an eternal difference.  If you give someone hope, encouragement, inspiration to love their family (the closest neighbor), then you are doing important stuff.  Go to Rome and look at the ruins of that great civilization, or to other areas.  The clay soldiers of China (Quinshihuang of 210 BC) were meant to last forever but many didn't make it.  The pyramids were meant to be sealed tombs, but tomb raiders found their way into almost each one.  
2) Beliefs do influence behavior.  So the relatively new belief in climate change has solicited trillions of dollars from science and the government to turn things around.  In America and the West we have forsaken our inheritance of faith.  To me, what that means is that there is work to be done.  The Harvest is still white- the Lord needs the best to do the best work.  While there is theological malaise, that doesn't mean that there should be, and the way out is found by those willing to step in and not just hold the line- but lead the charge.  3) It is a privilege to be like Jesus.  Paul said he considered all the worldly things he gave up- his educational, rabbinical, wealth and prestige as rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of serving Christ (Philippians 3:8).  Jesus was criticized, mocked, despised, had no wealth, but more people know the name of this humble teacher from Galilee than any other name in the world.  He is worshiped and followed in every country.  There is so much more to life than being popular.  The basketball star is popular until they lose their speed and defense.  The movie star or musician/singer are popular but quickly can be replaced and forgotten.  The most popular politician can dive bomb within four years.  What is much more important than being popular or entertaining?  It is being faithful and helpful- serving the God who made us.  The word of the title are not honorific titles, but their origin is servitude- a bishop, a pastor- comes from being a lowly shepherd to a flock;  a minister means a servant.  Jesus said "now that I your Lord have washed your feet, so you should wash one anothers' feet (John 13:14).  Humility and meekness are not valued much today.  But the meekest man said, "The meek shall inherit the earth."  In fact, when ministers are honored highly, often that is when corruption and pride creep in.  A cross-less minister is not a good one.  Alas, not many want to make that sacrifice even if it means blessing from God.  But I would still say, there is no better or higher calling.  

Lord of the harvest, raise up laborers for the harvest field.  May your church learn to encourage people to go into the great work of serving you.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.  

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Importance of Pastoral Care

 A secular person would have no idea what "Pastoral Care" means.  But today, many church people have become confused as well.  Many think they do not need it anyway.  What people say they need is a counselor, psychologist or at best a spiritual advisor.  But Pastoral Care is the care for the soul, by a person who is called to be a shepherd of the soul.  The word "Pastor" means shepherd.  
      We all need someone to shepherd us- like a shepherd takes care of their flock.  They need to be gathered together and spiritually fed; the sick need to be tended and helped toward healing; they need to be brought back when they stray away; 
     So good pastoral care goes after those who are straying away, pointing them back to the right way. Pastoral Care is not just caring for the sick- though that is important.  Jesus healed people when he walked on this earth.  The church has always had a role in healing- praying for people, encouraging them to get the best possible physical care.  People need to be reminded where their purpose/reason for living abides- in the Lord.  He is the chief purpose.  When we lose sight of that, we need to be reminded- and that is part of pastoral care.  
     The act of pastoral care involves listening; pointing to help- especially from God; Praying for their need;  Then following up on their need.  Symptoms of someone without pastoral care are: purposelessness, hopelessness, self-centeredness, short sightedness, a concentration on the things of this world (greed, hate, dissensions, breaking the commandments, etc).  Pastoral care given properly, lifts them up from selfishness to God.   While we may find our soul in conversion, and build up our soul through Christian education, the care of the soul is very important.  

Ezekiel 34: 

2“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who only feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed their flock? 3You eat the fat, wear the wool, and butcher the fattened sheep, but you do not feed the flock.

4You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bound up the injured, brought back the strays, or searched for the lost. Instead, you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. 5They were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild beasts. 6My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. They were scattered over the face of all the earth, with no one to search for them or seek them out.’

7Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 8‘As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, because My flock lacks a shepherd and has become prey and food for every wild beast, and because My shepherds did not search for My flock but fed themselves instead, 9therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD!’

10This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand from them My flock and remove them from tending the flock, so that they can no longer feed themselves. For I will deliver My flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.’

11For this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Behold, I Myself will search for My flock and seek them out. 12As a shepherd looks for his scattered sheep when he is among the flock, so I will look for My flock.

I will rescue them from all the places to which they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness. 13I will bring them out from the peoples, gather them from the countries, and bring them into their own land. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines, and in all the settlements of the land. 14I will feed them in good pasture, and the lofty mountains of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in a good grazing land; they will feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be a good shepherd. Keep me from simply feeding myself and not caring for others.  Let me model myself after you, the Great Shepherd of the sheep.  

Saturday, September 10, 2022

When the World Changes- Look to Jesus


Breakfast Outdoors- by the Lake- with Jesus When the World Was Changing- John 21:1-14

Do you get a sense that the world is changing?  Queen Elizabeth II- the 96 year old UK Monarch died this week.  Covid changed our world rapidly- and coming out of Covid- our world is changing too- inflation has come; people are refusing to work; supply change issues and shortages are still here (try buying a car today).   
No doubt the disciples were feeling the same way.  They saw their world changing.  They went from fishermen to followers of Christ, to being amazed at his teachings and miracles, to being dismayed and in fear at His arrest and crucifixion, to being inspired by His resurrection- all within three years- and most with a few days.  It is a bit ironic that when Jesus had been arrested, crucified, and rose from the dead- Peter basically says (vs 3), “I’m going fishing.”  He was wanting an escape.  I have felt the same way- I’ll go fishing on the lake- I’ll go hiking- I’ll go on vacation- I’ll watch football.  But though they fished all night, Peter and the disciples with him came up empty. 
Why would you want to get away in a time when the world is changing- and your life is making a drastic change?  You maybe looking for a breath- some relief.  But oftentimes- the best vacation wearies you- and you would like a few days to recover from your vacation, the best relief may bring stress.  The disciples had hoped for some refreshment, some strength from eating fish and nourishment. 
     THEN JESUS CAME- Jesus told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat.  Now, when Jesus first called the disciples according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke- many of them were fishermen and had fished all night and caught nothing.  Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side and they caught so many fish their nets began to break.  So Jesus’ doing this again- was an indication of His identity- He is Lord of the fish, and His power to provide for the disciples.  Their efforts were in vain- but with Jesus their efforts could bear fruit.  I am reminded of Haggai’s words to the exiles who had returned to the land.  He told them, “Give careful thought to your ways- you have planted much and harvested little; You eat, but never have enough; You drink but never have your fill.  You put on clothes but are not warm; You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it..The reason why was the people had built beautiful paneled houses for themselves but left God’s house in ruins.  You go fishing and it is fruitless.  Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.  But with Him anything is possible.  I believe that.  I have seen that. 
     THEN JESUS PROVIDED FOR THEM- Not only did they catch fish.  But when they got to the shore- Jesus had already started a fire and was cooking bread and fish on it.  Not too far away on the same lake- Jesus had fed over 5,000 people with… bread and fish!  He was not just feeding them, He was saying God would provide for them.  I would like to know where Jesus bought that bread.  There was no grocery store around.  Even today- that section of Lake Galilee/Tiberius (the Roman name) is isolated.  But Jesus cooked breakfast for them.   Hubert Joly was CEO of Best Buy in a changing time- when Amazon and e-tail was taking over his kind of business.  It was a changing time for the company. He was told he needed to lay off thousands of employees.  But instead he motivated them to plug into the company- developing the idea of self-empowering, self directed employees. He said employees are not a resource but the center of the company.  He served his employees and it worked.  He also gave them a purpose.  He said “If I had just said, We are going to double the share price or the earnings per share on the stock market- who would have cared?”  But he said we are not a consumer electronics retailer- we are enriching lives through technology- addressing key human needs.”  But let me tell you the best key human need is not a computer/TV/refrigerator.  It is the deep need of the soul.  That is a  need only Jesus could meet.  After he fed them breakfast- Jesus reinstated Peter- forgiving Him and inviting Him to the purpose of feeding the people (feed my sheep).  He gave them all the great commission- as the father has sent me, so send I you. 
The verse right before our passage says, “I write these things so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” In a changing time, we need a purpose.  Our purpose in starting Foundation Presbyterian Church has been that people will hear the Gospel- believe- and then may have eternal life.  Eternal life does not start after you die- it starts right now.  Today is the first day of the rest of your eternal life.  In a changing time- you need to not abandon- but remember where your focus is. 
    When 911 occurred 21 years ago now, everything changed.  The War in Afghanistan that ended in a sad way last year, began.  We had a purpose to fight back.  But we have lost our true purpose as a country. In the Cold War days we knew we were different from the Atheistic Soviet Union- and our faith united us.  Many have abandoned their faith today.  But on the day of 911 there were many stories of faith.  Many Americans prayed, and looked to God for help.  The US Congress sang together- democrats and republicans “God bless America” on the congress steps.  Queen Elizabeth had “The Star Spangled Banner”- our national anthem played at the changing of the guard- and sang it- the only British monarch to ever sing it.  Last year she said in a letter to President Biden, “My thoughts and prayers remain with the victims and survivors and families affected as well as the first responders and rescue workers called to duty.”  Queen Elizbeth also famously said that she “Found great comfort in difficult times in Christ’s words."  In her address that Christmas she again mentioned 911 and said, “As so often in our lives at times of tragedy—just as on occasions of celebration and thanksgiving- we look to he Church to bring us together in commemoration and tribute.”  This is a legacy passed down to us.  In difficult times- we should find comfort, strength, peace and grace in Christ.  He is the living Lord- with a living word for each of us. 

[This sermon was preached on the last time preaching at Foundation Presbyterian Church before retirement]. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Why Say anything about Jesus

 There are those who say that telling other people about your faith is being belligerent, disrespectful, and perhaps judgmental or even harmful.  Such indications place a premium on feelings above reality.  
For statistically- those who have faith are happier, live longer (2-3 years on average-) , have stronger families, and tend to stay away from crime and drugs.  Emotionally, those who have faith tend to be less depressed and live more purposeful lives.  Robert Putnam of Harvard (Based on the Faith Matters Survey) noted that "religious Americans are more active in civic affairs, more trusting of others, more apt to give time & money to charities- including secular ones."  A recent study by Brian and Melissa Grim of Georgetown University found that the "value of services provided by religious organizations and the impact religion has on the number of important American businesses totals roughly $1.2 trillion or the equivalent of the GDP of Australia.  

We all know religious attendance is declining especially among "mainline/old line" churches.  Part of it is that many feel like their faith is unimportant.  Some in the pulpit act like it is unimportant- but it is a matter of life and death- not only for the next life- but also for the abundant life now.  

The best way to reach people in the Christian faith is to start new churches or organizations.  The old has a lot of strings attached- social clicks, and raised expectations.  

Why say anything about Jesus?  If you get any hope from your faith in Jesus- any strength, any good, any love, any motivation, any altruism, any good- then that is a reason to share what you have with others.  The old saying is always true- it is one beggar telling another beggar where to get the bread.  

But alas- that sounds a bit selfish and self-centered again.  This is the human problem and specifically these days the American civic problem.  Religion seems only important in as far as it can help us do better or be more comfortable.  The problem with this is that as soon as we get uncomfortable- someone says something that irritates us in church; or cancer comes; or we lose our job- we think that our faith- which is supposed to be the magic pill- has let us down.  Again- such thinking is all about feelings and self-centeredness.  

What about if it is not about me?  

What if there is more to life- and I- and my feelings are only a small- albeit important- part?

What if there is a God who made us- loves us- and wants us to respond?  If there is such a One- whether we are comfortable at the time or not- whether we think we have figured everything out or not- then maybe He is worth our time- even our focus- even our lives.  Others have thought so.  If God is personal, loving, caring- (as Jesus shows)- then He is also worthy of our telling others.  

In a day when we are coming out of hurt after hurt- AIDS, 911, Afghanistan War, Ukraine War, economic uncertainty, political strife, COVID, more than ever- we need God. 

So- I invite you- worship Him- somewhere.  If you find it boring- perhaps you are focusing again on what you can get out of it instead of who we are there to worship.  

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Christian Life Means Faith- Sermon preached by Dr. J. Ben Sloan at Lake Murray Presbyterian 7-10-22


7/10/22- “The Christian Life, Means Faith.”  2 Cor. 5:7; Eph. 5:13
For we walk by faith, not by sight.   Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

There was an article this weekend that came out in the Washington Post that pointed out that belief in God has been one of the strongest most reliable markers of being an American.  This week it has dipped to its lowest point since the question was first asked in 1944- 81%.  Now what do Americans agree about?  One of the most common things was belief in God- it was for years between 96 and 99%.  It started dropping in 2011- when 92% then 2017 87% and now 81%.   In Europe only 26% say they believe in the God of the Bible while 36% say they believe in a higher power.  What happened in 2011?  I believe we began to codify immorality and the population went right along with it. We were not just neutral toward faith but a bit negative toward Christian faith's old morality- (adultery, sabbth breaking, truth telling- were looked down on).  The article in the Washington Post said people quit attending, then quit affiliating, then quit believing.  But there is one step prior to quitting attending- and that is many started going or living their own way apart from the Bible and God.   Faith means saying, "Not my will, but yours be done." Not my way but yours. 

     The Bible says FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.  What that means is if you say you have faith, but you are living solely by sight- a show me kind of life- then your faith is dead.  When you cannot make the hard choice of living God’s way according to the scripture, and choose to live however you choose, then your faith is dying.  You can trace the fall of empires to this one step.  When Israel rebelled against God and thought it was okay to worship the Baals with their temple prostitutes- they were taken into exile.  When Rome said they believed, but then had a growing pagan morality- they fell- though they had the best trained soldiers compared to the barbarians.  When the Eastern Roman empire was all about greed and power and they also lost their moral compass for the last few hundred years of its existence falling in 1453- though they had the highest walls in Europe.  The people actually chose death over unity with western Christendom. May I point out that many in Germany in the 1930s said they were believers, but they had a vast disconnect between what they were doing to other human beings in the concentration camps.  It was moral outrage that fueled and energized the defeat of the Axis powers.  It was moral and religious ferver that distinguished America from the USSR and empowered eastern Europe to rebel and us to win the cold war in 1989.  We can always live by our bellies and our hormones and then we wonder why our faith is not stronger.  Works is not just doing something positive for God- it is also refusing to do bad.  We are saved by faith, but faith shows itself in works and morality.  If we do not have the faith to get outside of ourselves and do good and to try to please God with obedience and holiness, then we will wonder why our faith is dead.  If you want to have faith- then believe that God can be pleased and listen to Him by faith in the way that you live.  Faith means going His way and not your own.
       FAITH IS NOT SIGHT- The great verse to memorize about faith is this- we walk by faith not by sight.  You don’t have to see everything to believe.  You have to trust.  If you are a person who has been burned by others, hurt by others, betrayed by others- and you think you cannot trust anyone… Let me to invite you to follow the one who was burned, hurt and betrayed!  Jesus trusted in God- even on the cross where He said Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing, and where he forgave the thief on the cross inviting him into paradise with Him. 
   God has given us senses, but He never intended us to simply rely on our senses.  Our senses can fail us- like optical illusions, or misinterpretation.  The old joke about the guy who called out to his wife thinking she couldn’t hear him, then he stepped closer- can you hear me now?  Then he stepped even closer and said “honey can you hear me?”  Then the fourth time he came right next to her and said, “Can you hear me now?”  She said, “For the fourth time- “Yes.”  In the book “Our Eyes are a Parable About Faith” Jon Bloom says, “God created our eyes so that when we view an object, the image we see is initially upside-down.  The image is carried along millions of optic nerves to the brain. The brain receives a picture of the world flipped on its head and figures out how to interpret them as right side up.”  So we see the world sometimes as upside down morally, but we are called to remember what it is really like by faith.
       FAITH BRINGS UNITY-  Our passage in Ephesians 4:13 says until we all reach unity in the faith…becoming mature.  There is one faith, one Lord, one baptism.  We may think faith divides- and we may think we shouldn’t talk about it in family or with friends- but a family united in faith has a strong bond.  The way faith matures is we may think that faith doesn’t matter at first.  Then we may start to super distinguish between faiths pointing out all the differences.  But there is a unity in faith that we attain if we believe.  So on our mission trip to South Sudan, we met people who spoke 12 different languages - but there was a unity there across language barriers, cultural and national barriers.  The ultimate maturity is when we get to heaven.  When we get to heaven according to scripture- we don’t find those who rebel against God, nor do we find those who refuse to believe.  But we do find people from every language, tribe, nation and culture there.   For true believe transcend these artificial barriers.  There is a tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.  That tie Is faith.  You cannot live the Christian life without faith.  Faith shows itself by its fruits- by their fruits you shall know them- that is faith without works is dead.  First, comes faith.  Then love then hope.  The church is not just a do good society.  It is not a museum of nice people.  It is a place where we believe.  We invite you to believe with us- be part of our fam of faith.

Monday, June 6, 2022

By the Power of the Spirit- Pentecost 6-5-22 Sermon


“By the Power of the Spirit”  Pentecost 6/5/22 LMPC by Ben Sloan

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and humans?  For some, we are both atoms and there is no quantifiable difference.  What is missing from robots and machines is a soul- a reason to live- a spirit inside of us.  It is this Spirit that enables us to choose, to value life and to value freedom.  But it is inert and it is inactive without the Spirit of God.  It is the Spirit of the Creator that comes to us- breathes on us and gives us life.  In Genesis it speaks of God breathing on the clay and giving life to the human beings.  There is a bit of the Spirit in us just by existing.  But we are called to connect with the Spirit to be filled and baptized with the Spirit- and that begins to happen when we believe.  When you are not connected to the Holy Spirit of God- you are existing, but it is like you are on low power mode.  When your iphone or android phone goes into low power mode your screen gets dim, your phone goes to sleep or just zones out more, you lose energy- so instead of 5G you go to 4G.  Jesus said, “And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.  And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world.”  In other words, you will be energized with God’s love, grace, and hope so much that other people will see it and want it no matter where you go. 

The Spirit of God is the opposite of dead and boring.  In fact it is the Spirit that is continually stirring things up- trying to wake us up.  By waking us He empowers us.  God is doing a new thing and it is marvelous in our eyes (Psalm 118:23).  We are seeing the decaying of some things in society, but new things taking their place.  We have said this, but let me remind you.  When Covid hit and we couldn’t meet in buildings, the 480 or so who were here were no longer here.  But we had over 4,000 a week viewing us for two years.  We couldn’t meet inside so we met at the lake for awhile. 
We are all creatures of habit- and we get used to doing things a certain way very easily.  But God is more concerned about waking us up to Him and reaching people for Christ than making us comfortable.  Frankly, we had been content with ourselves, but God knew if we didn’t reach outside of our walls, we would age out. That is the Holy Spirit.  I used to make fun of the radio and TV evangelists in our day talking about how the Holy Spirit was God over the airwaves- and He reaches people by TV and radio.  But you know… it was true.  Today, God is reaching people through social media, podcasts, apps and even virtual churches in the metaverse.       
     In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees had become legalistic and rigid and they had made it really hard to be a believer.  In contrast to them were the Herodian Jews who were basically giving into the Roman and Greek pagan ways of lifestyle and ignoring God’s commands altogether.   Both groups had tremendous pride.  Many people didn’t know which way to turn.  It seemed the miracles and presence of God were far far away from them.  Hands hung limp with no energy for God.  People were tired of the legalism and the pagan lust but they didn’t see any alternative.  Jesus came to say, holiness is important, but holiness shows itself best in love- not just rigid law.  It was a breath of fresh air.  He was saying you are blessed if you give yourself away, if you turn the other cheek, if you are meek rather than proud. 
     Today, people are tired.  They are tired of a surfacey evangelistic way that refuses to treat people with love.  But they are also tired of people who focus only on tolerance but ignore the reality of life.  Hands hang limp again.  But God is doing a new thing.  The Spirit is moving- and He is moving here too. 

OBSTACLES BECAME HELPS- When the Holy Spirit becomes evident in power, what we think is an obstacle that cannot be overcome, becomes a tool of God.  The mountain that Zerubbabel faced was going to be made level ground.  That is what the power of God can do- move a mountain and throw It into the sea.    The cross seems like a huge torture mechanism- but now it is a symbol of peace with God.  People cross themselves to be blessed.  When the Holy Spirit comes- the rough places become smooth, and there is a road through the desert and through the sea. 
Today- everyone of us faces different mountains.  But let them be a source of hope for you. 
Without the Holy Spirit, the law of God- the will of God is  a burden to do.  Do I have to tell the truth?  It may seem easier not to.  Do I have to love my spouse and not another?  It may seem more attractive to do something else?  Do I need to honor my father and mother?  Look these obstacles and walls become climbing walls for us.  You know the first time I saw a climbing wall I thought what a terrible thing!  Who would want to go up that?  But if you look at it as a playground tool, or an exercise tool, or something that you like to do it changes everything.  When God wants to accomplish something- it is not by our might nor by our power but by His Spirit.  They couldn’t be set free from slavery; they couldn’t go through the Red Sea; Gideon couldn’t defeat the mighty Amalekites with 300 men on his own; David couldn’t defeat Goliath on his own; Jehoshaphat could not fight the alliance that outnumbered him 10-1 but God did;  Jesus was put on a cross- his human strength could do no more- but the Spirit of God came in him.  St, Patrick didn’t have a chance of converting Ireland.  Billy Graham didn’t have a chance of reaching people for Christ except through TV, radio and books.  Today God is reaching people in new ways. 

Paul said we didn’t come to you with flowery, eloquent words- but with the power of the Spirit!
The Holy Spirit doesn’t care about getting credit- He cares about accomplishing God’s will.  He is the silent partner in the trinity.  He is the secret ingredient that holds everything together.  John 14 says that the Spirit glorifies the Father and the Son.  One theologian said it is like when you walk into a church building at night and it is lit up with flood lights.  The attention is not on the flood lights- they are out of sight.  The attention is brought to what the flood lights are glorifying- or lighting up.  
Contra what some people think- when the Holy Spirit comes, there doesn’t have to be a lot of clapping, stomping, amening, dancing and tongue speaking.  But there does have to be a changing of hearts, a refocusing of thought, a clarity of what God wants and perhaps more than anything- when the Holy Spirit comes we really want to do God’s will.  It is no longer a burden or an obstacle, but it is what we long to do.   I am tired of political speech.  Politicians say that they are tired of hearing people say we should pray.  I am more aware that the power of God can change a heart than some political speech or some law that people will forget about.  When the Holy Spirit comes- that is when our country changes for better.  That is when people don’t want to shoot other people.  How do you change the “want to” the will of another?  It is by the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit.  That is when the meek not the violent inherit the earth.  That is when we care about a baby being born, or a soul being found, or graduates graduating, and boys getting eagles, and when we are reenergized with the hope of the Holy Spirit. 

The Spirit is moving.  He has called young people to go to Montreat.  He has called parents to baptize their baby. He has called some graduates to do something special for Him after school is over.  He has called us to come here and have communion with Him.  He has called some to tune in livestream.  Artificial Intelligence cannot hear God- they are just things- just machines.  Elon Musk said, in a speech about AI- that humans have to have a reason to get up on the morning and to be inspired.  Exactly.  You will not find a religious robot.  But you can be inspired, motivated, awakened by the Holy Spirit of God.  Listen to the call of the Spirit; and then go- not in your power but in the power of the Holy Spirit and live your life for His glory. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

"Changing Efforts, Unchanging God" Romans 8:37-39


“Changing Efforts, Unchanging God”  Romans 8:37-39  Ben Sloan at Foundation Pres Ch at the lake
[Heard much below from Thom Rainer and Jason Tucker at the Fellowship Community Conference]

We live in a super rapidly changing world. This has been accelerated by COVID.   It is easy to see and even focus on the negative.  We can focus on the devastation in the Ukraine and inflation, but I would like to focus on how we are relating to God in our culture.  In my mind that is the major issue of our day and of our lives.  It could be that God uses things like the Ukraine and inflation, the crisis in mental health, violence and addiction to get our attention to the deeper call to listen to God.   While things change around us- nothing changes about God's love for us.  Nor does our status as "more than conquerors" change.  In God's eyes we are more valuable than a conquering Roman general or a conquering Roman emperor, as we keep the faith in changing times.  
I just got back from the Fellowship Community Conference in D.C.  and we heard some pretty astonishing statistics- some of which you know or maybe feel. 
One out of every five  Christian churches closed their doors forever during Covid.  While ¾ of those over 55 identify as Christian when asked,  Only ½ of those under 30 identify as Christian.  The church has specifically lost people who came to church as cultural Christians- namely for networking, profit, or political/monetary gain (that may not be a bad thing- except when people come to church they are at least exposed to the Gospel).  Attendance in person compared to pre-Covid is only at 20- 50% of what it was.  Frankly, FPC and LMPC are exceptions to this- ours is about 80% pre-covid attendance.  This makes our calling to speak for Christ not less important, but more important.  Many have quit telling the good news, and some have quit listening.  But we are, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, called to speak whether people listen or not.  We do this because we know nothing can separate us from the love of God.  
     1) WE NEED TO KEEP THE SAME GOSPEL- BUT TRANSLATE IT WELL-  The first gift of the Holy Spirit was to let people hear the gospel in their own language.  At Pentecost it says (Acts 2) “How is it that each of us hears them speaking in our own language?  Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea, Capodocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia and Egypt and Parts of Lybia near Cyrene?  Visitors from Rome, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues?  What does this mean?  It means the Gospel is for everyone.  It means we need to see this- and make sure that we tell others this.   Nothing can separate us from Gods love.  But we have to hear it.  Part of that is people who will tell others about their faith- this is NOT just the preacher.  How can they hear unless someone tells them. 
    HOW DO WE HEAR?  I want to ask you in what medium did you use to buy your first song?  How many bought from a vinyl record?  How many from an 8 tract?  How many from a cassette?  How about CDs?  Now, how do you listen to music today?  Most commonly from a digital version in our phone.  I think I have every one of those old songs I listened to when I was about 13 on my phone today- James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Hall and Oats, and more.  I couldn’t think of carrying around all those records/cassettes with me wherever I go.  So today we need to make sure that the original song doesn’t lose its clarity and original quality. So we want to make sure though the mediums change, the song of salvation gets out.  
      2) WE NEED TO MAKE SURE WE SAY WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE-  What about our new member class?  Some say we should make it hard to join so people will be more committed when they actually do join.  This was the strategy of some of the group they call “Judaizers.”   They wanted everyone to be circumcised to join the church.  That is a tough new members class.  James stood up and said, “We should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”  Many people are glad for James’ instruction!  Nothing should separate us from God’s love- not legalism- not false requirements. 
    Some of you may remember a time when churches didn’t have a nursery.  People had to bring babies into church- and out of church when they cried.  Someone got the idea of providing a nursery- one church did it and then many.  If you don’t have a nursery, young parents will go somewhere else.  We should do all we can to reach the next generation for Christ.  They may speak almost a different language, but we are called to reach them.  It is by God's grace that we are more than conquerors- not anything we did.  It is by God's grace that nothing can separate us from God's love.  We did nothing to deserve God's gracious, wonderful, freely-given love that began for us before we were ever born.  
Never stop holding the truth, but know that truth should always be held humbly and with love. 
Jesus did that- and though he was humbly crucified, He was raised. 
I know Joshua was told by God- “Moses my servant is dead- but you be strong and courageous.” 
All those great leaders- Abraham, David, Elijah, Isaiah, all the disciples, Peter, Paul, Barnabas- even Lazarus are dead.  But they trusted in God in their lives, in their death- and He will raise them up. Leaders go- God does not.  Have courage, move forward. 
All those great churches are gone- It is said that Paul started 14-20 churches.  But every church Paul founded is gone today.  Yet, here we are- despite the death or retirement of these leaders and despite the death of these churches.  What is important is the God that the faith points to and linking to that God and each other in faith, hope, and love.  I do not know the future of Foundation Presbyterian Church.  It could die.  It could live again and grow to be bigger than LMPC.  But in the end, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that we answer God’s call in faithfulness t Him.
       What matters is what is in our passage we read today.  We are more than conquerors.  Paul wrote that when the church was starting to be persecuted by both the Jews and the Romans.  The faithfulness of God does not depend on the faithfulness of people.  We must hold firmly to the faith. 
       Nothing can separate us from God’s love.   I invite you to believe that, hold fast to it, do not give up though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea; though the Ukrainian War roars and foams; though inflation raises its ugly head;  though leadership changes; though Foundation Church moves about- none of that changes the fact that we are more than conquerors and unseparated from the love of God!     

Sunday, May 15, 2022

"One Anothering- The Christian Life"


“The Christian Life: One Anothering”  5/15/22 1 Cor. 1:10;  1 John 4:11-12;

“I appeal to you, brothers and sister, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.” 

I’d like to begin with an old pastors joke.  Three pastors had bats in their community and in their church (I guess bats in the belfry).  These bats were difficult to get rid of, and made a mess and were scaring people away from worship.  One pastor said, “I got so mad, I used a shotgun.  But it just made a hole in the roof.  Another said,  “I trapped them but then they came back after we released them.”   A third pastor said, “I figured out how to do it- and it worked.  They asked, “How?” “I caught them and then baptized them- and then I never saw them again.”  For some the church is about being baptized or confirmed and then they disappear.  The Church is so much more than an insurance policy into heaven or just meeting together.  It is more than being enriched by a sermon, or inspired by an anthem.  Blaine touched on love last week, but one concrete expression of love is found 100 times in the New Testament.  It is not a verb, but it is the Greek word “alleylon” which means “one another.”  In many ways, the church is about one anothering.  This is a unique New Testament church phrase.  It is not found much in the Old Testament and not much in the secular Greek of the day- but it is as common (as one scholar said) as “salt on popcorn” in the New Testament.  It is the idea: I serve you- you serve me; I bear your burdens, you bear mine;  I love you, you love me;  I come with you to worship- you come with me. 
I want to group these into 3 parts- love, sin, helping. 
LOVE ONE ANOTHER- 16 passages
Jesus said it (Jn. 13) - “A new command I give to you, “Love one another.”  Then to make sure we didn’t think it was trivial he said it again in John 15: “”My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you- greater love has no one than this- that he lay down his life for his friends.”  Later 1 John 4 says 3x to love one another.  It says, “Love one another for love comes from God.  He who loves has been born of God and knows God.  He who does not love does not know God because God is love.”  The test for knowing God is not your theology or your ethics.  I know churches who split apart because of supralapsarian theology and infralapsarian theology.  Most of us don’t know or care what those beliefs are.  There are churches that split apart because one if premillennial and one is amillenial.  Then they split apart again because one is premillennial post trib and one is premillennial pre trib.  Once you start splitting thinking you will have the perfect church- you will not find it.  In the 1700s churches had rifts over dancing.  Indiantown Presbyterian near Hemmingway had a rule that Christians don’t dance.  An elder went to the town’s only crossroads after church, and danced publicly.  At first he was threatened with excommunication- but the better angels of their nature won in the end.  In the early 1900s in the prohibition era- churches were splitting apart over being dry or drinking.  Where is the grace and the love in all of that?  1 Corinthians 13 says, “If you have faith that can move mountains, but you do not have love- you are nothing…  Faith hope and love abide- but the greatest of these- the greatest of these- the absolute greatest of these is love.”  Love one another.   
Romans 12:10 says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.”  We are so lacking in real love.  This is not just coming together to be shallow and simply play games.  But it is to focus our love on God and then on each other. 
Three times (Rom. 16:16; 1 Thess 5; 1 Peter 5:14; 2 Cor. 13:12)in scripture it says that our greeting to one another should be a thing of love- so “Greet one another with a holy kiss.”  That probably went the Covid way, but I would like to see us greet one another- just say “Hi.” 
In our day there are many people taking selfies or Tik Toks of themselves to show the world.  That comes close to narcissism and the opposite of agape love.  But being able to “one another- one another” is so very important. 

There is a dark side to one anothering.  We know it, and if you are not careful you can be so afraid of the darkness that you will never go into the place of light.  DO NOT SIN AGAINST ONE ANOTHER- People can come together to sin.  We recognize that.  I know one man who doesn’t want his wife to come to church because he thinks she will come to church to sin.  I see it happen in other ways.  In fact the Bible warns us-
1) Do not sin from your lips: Gossip, Lie, or Slander one another- that is not why we come together.  My father used to say, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say it at all.”  James 5:9 says, “Do not grumble against one another.”  James 4:11 says, “Do not slander one another.”  Colossians 3:10- says, “Do not lie to one another since you have taken off your old self and its practices.”   The Christian way is not to lie, gossip, or slander.  That may be the way of the world, but that is not God’s way.  The positive command in contrast is “Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what will build up one another.”  (Eph. 4:29).
2) Do not judge one another- we are not here to say, “I am better than you” we are all at the foot of the cross.  When you are in small group or Bible study you are not to take notes so you can condemn that person.  We are quick to judge, but grace teaches us to hold the truth in humility. 
The Bible- recognizing sins in the body also says, “Confess your faults to one another.”  Jesus said, “Forgive one another as I have forgiven you.” 

A) Submit to one another- 1 Thess 5:5; Eoh, 5:21 says, “Submit to one another out of fear of God.” 
     Why should we submit to one another?  After all I know I’m right and she’s wrong.  Or he is just being a bully male- why should I submit;  She makes such a long list of things for me to do- why should I submit?  The-  answer is out of fear of God.  If you are always getting your own way- and you don’t want to listen to anyone else, then you are not one anothering- you are simply listening to yourself- gazing at a mirror thinking how beautiful you are.  This is a problem.  In society there are those 20% who think they are so beautiful, and then there are those 80% who think they are so ugly.  Social media and bullying enhance this.  But then there are those who look to listen, who look to humbly help.  Not help so they can get more from you- but help simply out of fear of God. 
B) Serve one another Galatians 5:13 C- In our consumer society, we seek to look for others to serve us, and if they don’t do it right, then we call up, email, text customer service and say, “I can’t believe you do such a poor job of serving others.”  Coming to church is not about the minister.  It is not about the music.  It is about your getting the opportunity to one another one another.  It doesn’t matter whether your church is big or small.  Coming to church is not about who has the best recreation program, or counseling program, but who will allow you to love them and love you in return. 
C) Bear one another’s burdens- Gal. 6:2 Look for ways to carry someone elses’ burden.  Look for ways to care.  If you know someone is bearing a heavy load, look for a way to help. 
D) PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER-  James 5:16 says, “Pray for one another that  you may be healed.”  Again, secularists and those who discount the power of Almighty God, think prayer is nothing.  But for those who believe, prayer is what draws us together, and helps us in our time of need.  People tell me all the time how much the prayer cards from the men, the deacons and others mean to them.  Some ask how I know so many names here.  I know many of you simply because I pray for you.  If you are a member here, I pray for you- each week.  Prayer is one way we can get to know and love one another. 
So my point is- The church is about one anothering. 
Here are some of the ways we do it best at LMPC: 
When the Men of the Church build a wheelchair ramp- that is one anothering. 
When Helping Hands brings a meal for someone- like when a baby is born, or someone is sick. 
When the deacons help when there is a death in the family- ushering and having a reception. 
When a Sunday School class lifts up a member who is discouraged. 
When a committee doesn’t just do committee work, but cares for one another.
When the youth gather around a young girl whose boyfriend just broke up with her. 
When a group prays for a stranger- or prays for those hurting. 
When we celebrate the confirmands joining the church, or celebrate a new baby with a baptism,
When we celebrate a marriage as a church, or when a marriage is hurting/breaking and we care this is one anothering. 
Look for ways to one another one another.  But also look for ways to let others one another you.  Love does not mean just giving it out- it also means letting others love you in return. 
The last apostle living, John- according to strong tradition, went to church in Ephesus.  He didn’t have livestream then- they carried him in on a cot.  He had a word to say at the end of each service it was this:  “Little children, let us love one another.”  Amen.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Staying Forever Young


“The Christian Life: Forever Young”  Confirmation & Communion Sunday (week after announced retirement).  Ecclesiastes 12:1; Psalm 37:25 Preached at Lake Murray Presbyterian 5/1/22 by Dr. Ben Sloan

Last Sunday I announced I am retiring as pastor here and seeking to be honorably retired by Trinity Presbytery and also the denomination.  This year one of my grandchildren was confirmed in the church.  Yesterday Patrick and Chris Dunbar reminded me that theirs was the first wedding I did along with Ron Shive.  Now their daughter Eliza, whom I baptized, is getting confirmed. Many of these young people I have baptized.  Next Sunday I am performing the wedding for Emily Coleman who was in one of the confirmation classes I taught early on.  

We grow old, God never does.  Our faith may grow, develop, mature, but it should never, ever grow old.  The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our Lord endures forever.   As I moved boxes this week I discovered boxes of old pictures with people who had weird poofy hairdos and bell bottom jeans, ruffled dresses and more.  Fashions change and the world says we better keep up with these trends.  But the grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God endures forever.  My hope is we are not keeping up with the grass and the flowers as they dry up, but with the Word of God as it endures.  How do you stay young?  Bob Dylan had a song later remade by Rod Stewart that they both wrote for their children called, “Forever Young.”  In it they kept saying, “May you stay forever young.”  That is the question.  How do you keep your energy, your desire to live, your hope, your strength going?  Some young people give up on life too young.  I believe that God keeps us young at heart. 
CONFIRMANDS- You will be tempted later to look on this moment as irrelevant for your soul.  You will be tempted at some point to think that your public profession of faith or the water of baptism means nothing to you.  You will be tempted to think that only what you see matters.  But love is the greatest, and the love of God is the greatest love.  He will never stop loving you.   

REMEMBER YOUR CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH-  Before you can’t remember.  Our minds fade.  This is eternal life- that they may know you the only true God- and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  He has come to give us the abundant life.  Not we must live free before we are shackled- but live free in Christ and not be shackled by the world.
We tend to think the very opposite.  I want to be wild before I can’t be wild anymore- and I have no pleasure in my days.
But you will be blessed and kept from a ton of heartache, and kept from a ton of evil if you will enjoy the blessings of God and seek to grow in Him when you are young. 
      Years ago I knew two identical twins.  They shared the same basic DNA and environment.  But one stayed in the youth group, went to Montreat every year, and stayed true to their faith throughout.  She went onto college, got a nice job and family afterwards- and she knew who she was.  The other twin rebelled in order to be different and identify herself away from her family.  She went the route of trying different drugs and many parties and rebelling against her faith.  She too went to college, but ended up dropping out and living alone.  Her parents called and asked that I pray for her.  A few weeks later they found her. But she kept saying over and over out loud- “I don’t know who I am anymore.”  
    Today the confirmation class is making a choice about who they are and what they believe.  But the question to everyone is can you remember your Creator?   When Jesus instituted the Last Supper He said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  Remember who you are and whose you are.  It will guide you like a beacon into the harbor.   

GOD’S FAITHFULNESS IS CONSTANT- The Psalmist said, “I was young and now I am old but I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”  This is a general principle about God’s faithfulness.  Though we are not always faithful to Him, He is faithful to us.  He is our NorthStar to point us to the right direction.
Remember that God is always like the father of the Prodigal- looking for the Prodigal to come back ready to welcome them. 
The Church with a capital C will always be there for you.  Ministers always come and go.  Never follow the ministers.  It is not the instruments in the orchestra that are important or the ones playing them.  Rather it is the song that is important.  Follow the song of God.  Listen for His voice calling to you. 
Confirmands- You have made the commitment of faith.  As such, you have the pass- the membership card to enter into service in any Christian church.  The doors are open to you especially now.    
Ponce De Leon was commissioned by the King of Spain to find Bimini and thus the Fountain of Youth.  He never did.  But people are still searching.  The Chinese talked about the Elixer of Life- which Harry Potter mentioned in the Sorcerer’s Stone.  People are still trying to find a way to live longer.  Prevagen claimed to take jellyfish and increase your brain cells.  It sold about $165 million a year with a huge ad campaign in tow.  In 2017 the FTC sued it as a hoax.  People still buy it.  But here are some basic scriptural principles to staying young. 
BE EVER LEARNING AND LISTENING- Prov. 3:2 “son do not forget my teaching, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.”  Honor your father and mother that your days may be long.  It is not just an extension.  
BE EVER LOVING- Love energizes us.  Deut. 30:20- Love the Lord.  The Lord IS YOUR LIFE. 
His life giving love keeps us young. 
BE EVER LEANING- Trusting in God and not giving into fear of death and worry.  Fear the Lord and you will have life. 
What is the secret to staying forever young?  It is not drugs.  It is not sex.  It is not wealth.  It is not age cream.  It is no secret.  It is learning, loving and leaning on the Lord God who gives us life abundantly and eternally every day.