Monday, November 7, 2022

Election Day

 "I urge...that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving  be made for all people-- for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  (1 Tim. 2:1-7)

Pray about all things ( 1 Thess. 5:17)

Thoughts:  It is time to elect officials for our midterm elections.  CNBC notes that spending on the USA midterm elections "will top $16.7 billion making them the most expensive midterms ever." This is an increase of almost $2 billion over 2018.  The Hill pointed out that 10 wealthy individuals spent a half billion themselves on the elections.  This spending is greater than the Gross domestic product of 16 different African nations in a year.  Why are we willing to spend so much?  Control.  The lust for control is important to human beings.  

How should Christians respond?  Pray- for those in authority.  In the end there is only one King of kings and Lord of lords.  To not ask for His mercy, help, grace, and leading would be to think we are only in it ourselves and it only depends on us- and we just don't need Him.  We should pray for fair and undivisive elections.  
I am convinced God does not care which party wins.  But He does care about the direction and decisions of our nation- as He does for every nation.  We are not responsible for the directions of other nations, but as voters we have a say and a prayer for ours.  God care about the individuals who run and their families and friends as well.  When we are told to pray about all things- this means do not limit your prayers.  Simply lift them up and let God say "yes", "No" or "wait."  But if we do not pray, we impoverish our thought of God's care and our own soul shrinks a bit.  
By the way- pray about all things- may include the little things in your life- even the entertainment and games.  But God sees a wider arc and answer according to what is best- not for a team's winning or a selfish gain as much as for His glory.  

So, pray.  Be informed.  This means not just go to your favorite sources but even sources you do not like to hear from.  It means have an educated vote. 

Then go vote.  We are called to be the very best citizens- and this means taking part in the vote and the government.  

Afterwards, pray that God will guide the newly elected officials to listen to Him and to His Word, and for a full equipment of wisdom, strength, health and direction.  

Prayer: Lord, bless the coming election.  May those who are elected listen to your voice.  Lead us through the ones elected.  In Christ's Name and for His Sake.  Amen.  

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