Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/11/13- Illumination of the Spirit

26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26)

Thoughts: The same Spirit who opens our hearts to Christ also opens our minds to scripture.  As the Spirit regenerates or quickens our hearts to Christ, the Spirit quickens our ability to understand, apply, and be convicted and inspired by the Word. We perceive the miracle of regeneration and conversion,  but we also should understand there is a miracle every time God uses the Bible to transform our thinking and hearts. 

Prayer: Lord, teach me through your Word. Holy Spirit, make this dusty book real and living to me. 

I. God’s Word: The Authority for Our Confession
The clearest declaration of God’s glory is found in His Word,
both incarnate and written. The Son eternally proceeds from
the Father as His Word, the full expression of the Father’s
nature, and since in the incarnation the Word became flesh all
the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are offered to His disciples
The written Word grants us those treasures, proclaims
the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, and graciously teaches all that
is necessary for faith and life. We glorify God by recognizing
and receiving His authoritative self-revelation, both in
the infallible Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
and also in the incarnation of God the Son. We affirm that
the same Holy Spirit who overshadowed the virgin Mary also
inspired the writing and preservation of the Scriptures. The
Holy Spirit testifies to the authority of God’s Word and illumines
our hearts and minds so that we might receive both the
Scriptures and Christ Himself aright.

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