Saturday, January 19, 2013

1/19/13- Oneness in God

"No one can say, "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit.  There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:3,4)

Thoughts: God is One with Himself.  The Spirit points to Jesus is Lord, enabling, encouraging and inspiring us to make that confession.  The Spirit gives us gifts to serve the Lord together.  God does not work against himself, but in harmony and peace with Himself at all times.  This is why the Essential Tenets below says that the Spirit who inspired the scriptures will not contradict the scriptures.  There is oneness in God within each person of the Trinity (thus the Spirit does not contradict what He has said before), between the persons of the Trinity, and God is trying to call back all His creation to oneness and peace with Him.

Prayer: Help me, O Lord, to be at peace with you, peace with myself, and peace with neighbor.

We confess that God alone is Lord of the conscience, but this
freedom is for the purpose of allowing us to be subject always
and primarily to God’s Word. The Spirit will never prompt
our conscience to conclusions that are at odds with the Scriptures
that He has inspired. The revelation of the incarnate
Word does not minimize, qualify, or set aside the authority of
the written Word. We are happy to confess ourselves captive
to the Word of God, not just individually, but also as members
of a community of faith, extending through time and around
the globe. In particular, we join with other members of the
Presbyterian and Reformed community to affirm the secondary
authority of the Book of Confessions as a faithful exposition of
the Word of God.

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