Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5/7/13- The Importance of Trust in Marriage

The heart of her husband trusts in her,
    and he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good, and not harm,
    all the days of her life. (Proverbs 31:11,12)

Thoughts: A beautiful relationship is not lived in fear, jealousy, or mistrust.  When you know your spouse has your back and you have theirs then there is peace in each heart and peace in the home.  When there is less stress in the home, then there is the chance to be more clear headed in whatever you do.  You don't have to have your energy consumed with putting out a fire, or fighting the anger inside.
    The epidemic of adultery and spousal abuse in our culture is the opposite of this spousal trust.  The American Medical Association reports that as many as 1 in 3 women will be assaulted by their "domestic partners" each year.  There are 1,500 battered women shelters in the United States for a reason.  Three to four million women will be assaulted each year (see this link for references).  The cost of domestic violence is $5.8 billion in lost days at work and medical bills.
Research from a November 2011 study indicates that 19% of women and 23% of men admit they cheat in their partner relationships.  That is up 4% from similar studies 10 years before.  It is no surprise that the rise in adultery corresponds with a rise in dropping out of church and a rise in the approval of other forms of sexual immorality, and also the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases.    

     To be able to trust the person you love also means you are motivated to be there for them in their time of need.  If you love and trust someone you want to help them, encourage them, pick them up, forgive them, and to be faithful yourself.  It begins with a commitment (marriage) and not being afraid to commit and to trust.  It is a hard balance- to want to trust the people  you love but being afraid that trust will be violated.  But love encourages us to trust that our spouse will bring us good not harm.
     It is a sad thing when we cannot trust those we love.  It is possible to grow to trust another after they have failed, but it takes a strong will and time.  What a great blessing it is to grow old together and see children graduate, get married, and have children of their own.  But to do this we need to trust each other and be trustworthy.  

Prayer: Help me to grow in trust, Lord, in the people I love and above all in you.  


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