Thursday, December 31, 2015

Luke 3:14 Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?”He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.” 

Thoughts: The Gentile/Roman thinking shows here, and this is the kind of thinking that is resurrected today.  At the end of the year, are we content?  Materialism- living for pay or money or things or houses or cars does not bring peace.  Nor does a combination of materialism plus faith.  Jesus said we cannot serve God and money.  This is a core teaching, and is why the rich man went away sad who kept the law from his birth (he lacked the ability to be content because he could not let stuff go).  It is why Jesus said it is "hard for the rich to enter e kingdom of heaven."  Learning this does not start when you get rich.  It begins not with a time but with the Spirit prompting you to seek peace over things.  
      John doesn't say don't get pay-but be content and do not extort or be greedy.  We fight greediness by seeking God and seeking ways to be generous.  If we have two coats, share with someone who has none.  In times of disaster (like the floods in South Carolina) I have seen this.  At Christmas I see it too.  But generosity and peace are things we should have throughout the year.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be content with the abundance you give me.  Help me to have a peaceful heart; eyes to see how to help others; strength to give up stuff and even dreams in order to help others. 

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