Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Sacrifice of Self-Fulfillment?

17Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them, 18“We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death 19and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!” (Matthew 20:17-19)

Thoughts: Jesus knew he came to give Himself for others.  Twice before (Matthew 16 and 17) Jesus predicted that he would die. But now as they enter into Jerusalem only to be rejected and killed there was a sense of foreboding (Mk. 10 and Lk. 18 make this clear).
What if Jesus said, "We should all live for ourselves and our own self-fulfillment and flourishing."?  Many, even Christians, are saying this about their own lives.  Some mothers are giving up their sacrificial love for their children and husbands in an effort to find fulfillment for themselves- because, frankly, it is hard.  Some husbands are leaving their wives and children in the dust in the name of fulfilling "who they are."  There is little sense of duty, loyalty, and sacrifice there- but a tremendous sense of entitlement that we are put here to fulfill our senses to the max.  Jesus teaches us by example, that sacrificial love, though tremendously hard, is the way of God.  But make no mistake, it is also the best and most abundant life we can live here and is fulfilled in our own resurrection.  We are not put here to be selfish in the name of self-fulfillment.  Rather, we are put here for a purpose, that may at times require a most meaningful sacrifice.
     Jesus predicts specifics.  He says he will be delivered over.  This is a forecast of his betrayal.  Perhaps Judas heard these words and was inspired to play a role in Jesus' destiny.  He would be handed over to the religious leaders.  One would think the Son of God would be welcomed by those who were looking for the Messiah, but they saw Him as a threat and would work hard for his death.  The Jews alone are not to blame.  The whole world- Jew and Gentile play a part in the death of Christ. The Romans mock, flog, and crucify Him.  This was fulfilled to a tee.  Jesus also predicts that the suffering is not the end- but God and right win when we persevere.  Jesus did not head off to a Mediterranean resort (as Jonah did and got swallowed by a whale), in an effort to avoid the suffering he saw ahead.  Rather, he predicted this so that the disciples (and us) would know- He knew what going to Jerusalem would cost Him.  But He went anyway.  If He didn't go, our sins would not be atoned for, His teachings would not be confirmed with the resurrection, and our hopes would not be fulfilled.  The best way of life is not seeking a pie-in-the-sky fulfillment here, but giving ourselves to Him and to each other in sacrificial love.

Prayer: Lord, give me grace to give myself for you and for my family, church, and neighbor.  Help me to find a true purpose and calling in persevering through the hardness of life to find meaning in the middle.   

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