Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Rich and the Eye of a Needle

24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)

Thoughts: There is an opening in an eye of a needle, but it is not that big.  Now some scholars say "the eye of a needle" was just a small gate and a camel had to bend down to get through it.  This implies we need to bend our necks in homage and worship to come to God.  Camels don't bend their necks easily.  Either way, Jesus point is the same- it is hard, and it takes more effort for those who have a lot to hold onto it gingerly and to be generous.  The more money you have, the more you see what money can do for you- and can multiply for you.  But the point of life is not just multiplying money.  Love, kindness, faith and hope make life far more meaningful.  If you have all the money in the world but you aren't loved and you are selfish, life can be very lonely.  The monument and legacy you make to yourself is shallow without faith hope and love.  Yet, if the rich become generous to the best causes the rich can be true blessings in life.  

Prayer: Lord, we pray for the wealthy.  We ask you to have mercy on their souls, We ask that you would bless the wealthy with a great sense of generosity.  

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