23 Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden. 24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. (Deuteronomy 4:23-24)
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Thoughts: Heaven is a perfect place and we are not perfect and do not deserve to go there. For the minute we go to heaven without being changed, then heaven is no longer perfect. God is a consuming fire- burning up all impurities and sin. On our own merit, we cannot come near to God. But the good news is that God has come to us- gently, accommodating Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ came to us while we were still sinners to enable us to get beyond our sin into His presence. God comes to make a way.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
1/31/13- Image of God
And God said: Let us make mankind in our image/b’tsalmeinu, as our likeness/kid’muteinu. And they will have dominion over [the animals]…․And God created humankind in His image/b’tsalmo, in God's image/tselem He created him, male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)
One who spills the blood of man, through/by man, his blood will be spilled, for in God's image/tselem He made man. (Genesis 9:6)
Thoughts: We are designed to be a mirror image of God. We are designed to glorify and reflect Him. The Westminster Shorter Catechism speaks of this image as being in "knowledge, righteousness, and holiness." Other creeds see this image as our being immortal. Other theologians see the image as distinctions between human beings and animals-like complex language and abstract thinking (1:28 talks about being given dominion over the animals). Some Neo-orthodox theologians speak of true human love as a reflection of God's love. In the tenet below the emphasis is that we are given the ability to know and relate to God. We were made to relate in love to God and in love to each other. God is love, and we glorify God best when we show love in our lives for God and neighbor.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
One who spills the blood of man, through/by man, his blood will be spilled, for in God's image/tselem He made man. (Genesis 9:6)
Thoughts: We are designed to be a mirror image of God. We are designed to glorify and reflect Him. The Westminster Shorter Catechism speaks of this image as being in "knowledge, righteousness, and holiness." Other creeds see this image as our being immortal. Other theologians see the image as distinctions between human beings and animals-like complex language and abstract thinking (1:28 talks about being given dominion over the animals). Some Neo-orthodox theologians speak of true human love as a reflection of God's love. In the tenet below the emphasis is that we are given the ability to know and relate to God. We were made to relate in love to God and in love to each other. God is love, and we glorify God best when we show love in our lives for God and neighbor.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
1/30/13- God's Reflection in Creation
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. (Psalm 19:1,2)
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:19,20)
Thoughts: The tenet below mentions that the creation reflects God's glory just as God's image is in us. Yet creation and God's image in us is marred by decay, pollution, and sin so that the pristine image of God- the full reflection- is dimmed. Paul said on this side we see through a mirror dimly. On the one hand we can look up and see hundreds of thousands of stars and think of the One who created it all. On the other hand, a tornado tears through a community and we wonder how could this reflect God's glory. Yet, even in pain and suffering it is possible to see God at work. Weather, weariness, and wickedness (www) all humble us so we realize we are not God. But instead of simple self-reliance, we must call on the One beyond us for help, grace, and strength. There is a sense that even in the plagues of Egypt God is glorified. To the unbeliever it is all (both joy and sorrow; beauty and ugly; good and evil) chaos and without meaning and hope. To the believer, it is not all easily understood, but we never give up hope and the belief that God will see us through.
Prayer: In ice and heat, calm and storm, joy and sorrow, help me to trust in you.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:19,20)
Thoughts: The tenet below mentions that the creation reflects God's glory just as God's image is in us. Yet creation and God's image in us is marred by decay, pollution, and sin so that the pristine image of God- the full reflection- is dimmed. Paul said on this side we see through a mirror dimly. On the one hand we can look up and see hundreds of thousands of stars and think of the One who created it all. On the other hand, a tornado tears through a community and we wonder how could this reflect God's glory. Yet, even in pain and suffering it is possible to see God at work. Weather, weariness, and wickedness (www) all humble us so we realize we are not God. But instead of simple self-reliance, we must call on the One beyond us for help, grace, and strength. There is a sense that even in the plagues of Egypt God is glorified. To the unbeliever it is all (both joy and sorrow; beauty and ugly; good and evil) chaos and without meaning and hope. To the believer, it is not all easily understood, but we never give up hope and the belief that God will see us through.
Prayer: In ice and heat, calm and storm, joy and sorrow, help me to trust in you.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
1/29/13- God's Faithful Love
“I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 3:5-7)
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22,23)
What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? 4 By no means! Let God be true though every man be false (Romans 3:3-5a)
Thoughts: God is never changing in His faithfulness to us as creation. We may deserve to be consumed, but God provides grace every day- much more than we deserve. While creation is ever moving- (eg. atoms are ever moving, the world is ever turning) God is so faithful that we can rely on Him amidst the movement. When we stray away from Him; when we are unfaithful to Him; He beckons us back to His faithful love. He bids us to return to Him and He will return to us. We are made to abide in His faithful love and not go our own way. When my car (not SUV) stays on the road, I can go faster and the way is smoother. When my car goes off the road by accident or if I try to make my own pathway it is a shaky and dangerous drive. So we are made to stay on the faithful paved pathway of our Creator.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your faithfulness. Please do not let me be blind to your love by the cares, heartaches, problems, and my own selfishness this day. Instead, give me grace to find joy and hope in you and your steadfast love.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22,23)
What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? 4 By no means! Let God be true though every man be false (Romans 3:3-5a)
Thoughts: God is never changing in His faithfulness to us as creation. We may deserve to be consumed, but God provides grace every day- much more than we deserve. While creation is ever moving- (eg. atoms are ever moving, the world is ever turning) God is so faithful that we can rely on Him amidst the movement. When we stray away from Him; when we are unfaithful to Him; He beckons us back to His faithful love. He bids us to return to Him and He will return to us. We are made to abide in His faithful love and not go our own way. When my car (not SUV) stays on the road, I can go faster and the way is smoother. When my car goes off the road by accident or if I try to make my own pathway it is a shaky and dangerous drive. So we are made to stay on the faithful paved pathway of our Creator.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your faithfulness. Please do not let me be blind to your love by the cares, heartaches, problems, and my own selfishness this day. Instead, give me grace to find joy and hope in you and your steadfast love.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Monday, January 28, 2013
1-28-13 Ongoing Creation
If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Who appointed him over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world?14 If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath,
all humanity would perish together and mankind would return to the dust.
(Job 34:13-15)
Thoughts: Creation is ongoing- ever becoming. While the Creator does not change in His character or being, His creation and His action toward that creation is ever becoming. God is transforming creation-making things new that have decayed or are dying. Thus, we are not stuck without hope, but can become born again. Thus when someone comes to Christ it is not just "like" they were a new creature, but they are a new creature- with a new heart, new perspective, forgiven and made new. We sing to the Lord a new song because God makes all things new (Rev. 21:5).
Creation is not static- like God made it and then left it in an uncaring way. Rather God acts in creation. What we call "miracles"- the opening of eyes and ears, the extending of shortened limbs so the lame may walk, the providential opening of doors, the salvation of a soul, the resurrection of Jesus- are God's re-creating and interacting and making all things new. That God in His sovereignty and providence hears our prayers and answers them before we began to utter the prayer is part of His maintenance and care for creation. In a similar way the old creeds it speak of God's governing and providence.
Perhaps secular evolution is a humanist attempt to describe the ongoing becoming of creation. Perhaps the Big Bang and the ever-moving explosion of creation is a manifestation of God's ongoing creation. Creation did not just happen and stop- but it is happening all around us and we should not be surprised at new things and newness of life. As creation is still happening, we are still dependent on the Creator- and need to trust in Him, pray to Him, and stand in wonder at what He not only has done- but continues to do.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you do not withdraw your breath, but you are ever-breathing on us giving us your life and your hope. May I have faith that today you can give me a fresh start and make me ever-new for your glory.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human
beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Who appointed him over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world?14 If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath,
all humanity would perish together and mankind would return to the dust.
(Job 34:13-15)
Thoughts: Creation is ongoing- ever becoming. While the Creator does not change in His character or being, His creation and His action toward that creation is ever becoming. God is transforming creation-making things new that have decayed or are dying. Thus, we are not stuck without hope, but can become born again. Thus when someone comes to Christ it is not just "like" they were a new creature, but they are a new creature- with a new heart, new perspective, forgiven and made new. We sing to the Lord a new song because God makes all things new (Rev. 21:5).
Creation is not static- like God made it and then left it in an uncaring way. Rather God acts in creation. What we call "miracles"- the opening of eyes and ears, the extending of shortened limbs so the lame may walk, the providential opening of doors, the salvation of a soul, the resurrection of Jesus- are God's re-creating and interacting and making all things new. That God in His sovereignty and providence hears our prayers and answers them before we began to utter the prayer is part of His maintenance and care for creation. In a similar way the old creeds it speak of God's governing and providence.
Perhaps secular evolution is a humanist attempt to describe the ongoing becoming of creation. Perhaps the Big Bang and the ever-moving explosion of creation is a manifestation of God's ongoing creation. Creation did not just happen and stop- but it is happening all around us and we should not be surprised at new things and newness of life. As creation is still happening, we are still dependent on the Creator- and need to trust in Him, pray to Him, and stand in wonder at what He not only has done- but continues to do.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you do not withdraw your breath, but you are ever-breathing on us giving us your life and your hope. May I have faith that today you can give me a fresh start and make me ever-new for your glory.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human
beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
1/27/13- God's Love in Creaton
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor. 6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild,8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.9 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Thoughts: God made human beings not because He had to, but because He wanted to out of love.
(Psalm 8:4-9)
(Psalm 8:4-9)
Thoughts: God made human beings not because He had to, but because of love. God became man (the second Adam) also love in order to redeem His creation which became lost. God did not create everything and then go off somewhere in neglect. He showed His love for creation not just in maintaining it and us- in order and in miracle and prayer; but also and ultimately in becoming human to show us His great love.
Prayer: Thank you for your great care for us, O Lord. Let me not doubt your love for all human beings, and let me grow in my ability to love others.
God has no need of anyone or anything beyond Himself. Yet in grace this Triune God is the one Creator of all things. The ongoing act of creation is further manifested in God’s gracious sovereignty and providence, maintaining the existence of the world and all living creatures for the sake of His own glory. He is the Holy One, the ground of all being, whose glory is so great that for us to see Him is to die. Yet He has made the creation to reflect His glory, and He has made human
beings in His own image, with a unique desire to know Him and a capacity for relationship with Him. Since our God is a consuming fire whom we in our sin cannot safely approach, He has approached us by entering into our humanity in Jesus Christ.
(Michelangelo Cistine Chapel- creation)
1/26/13- Eternally Proceeding
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father. (Galatians 4:6)
When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. (John 15:26)
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9)
Thoughts: The Holy Spirit is both the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9). Yet though the Spirit is sent (a sign of "proceeding from"), the Spirit is a separate person. The original Nicene Creed says, "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life who proceeds from the Father." The Roman Catholic church added "and the Son" (filioque) in an effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit . While the Eastern Orthodox churches keep only "from the Father" in an effort to keep the Spirit as a separate person. There is truth in both emphases. So some writings of the creed have "(and the Son)" in parentheses.
There is danger in trying to figure out more of God than He reveals here. There have been deep, deep discussions on the eternal generation of the Son and the Monarchy (aitia/ arche) of the Father. There are dangers of being too rationalistic (like trying to find out how many angels fit on the head of a pin), and also being too traditionalist. There is a mystery of God in both His oneness and his separateness so that we should not give up our oneness as a church over what God has not so clearly revealed. There is a vagueness in scripture and even among the early fathers (like Cyril of Alexander and Augustine of Hippo who spoke of the Spirit "proceeding from the Father through the Son") beyond which we go at our own peril. Calvin was very clear about not going beyond what has been revealed by God- and that is good advice.
Practically speaking (and that is the purpose of this writing), the Son is eternally begotten and the Spirit is eternally proceeding (from). There is much more love within the person of the Trinity than in those who argue over how to define it. The love within the Trinity is a sign to us to overcome our differences in love. Holding the truth in pride is different from holding the truth in love, and not being able to bear with the weaker brother both quenches and grieves the Spirit.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, your unfathomable in your depths yet important in your work. Help me to rely on you even if I cannot fully understand you. Give me the grace I need to know enough of your faithful love to trust in you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. (John 15:26)
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9)
Thoughts: The Holy Spirit is both the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9). Yet though the Spirit is sent (a sign of "proceeding from"), the Spirit is a separate person. The original Nicene Creed says, "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life who proceeds from the Father." The Roman Catholic church added "and the Son" (filioque) in an effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit . While the Eastern Orthodox churches keep only "from the Father" in an effort to keep the Spirit as a separate person. There is truth in both emphases. So some writings of the creed have "(and the Son)" in parentheses.
There is danger in trying to figure out more of God than He reveals here. There have been deep, deep discussions on the eternal generation of the Son and the Monarchy (aitia/ arche) of the Father. There are dangers of being too rationalistic (like trying to find out how many angels fit on the head of a pin), and also being too traditionalist. There is a mystery of God in both His oneness and his separateness so that we should not give up our oneness as a church over what God has not so clearly revealed. There is a vagueness in scripture and even among the early fathers (like Cyril of Alexander and Augustine of Hippo who spoke of the Spirit "proceeding from the Father through the Son") beyond which we go at our own peril. Calvin was very clear about not going beyond what has been revealed by God- and that is good advice.
Practically speaking (and that is the purpose of this writing), the Son is eternally begotten and the Spirit is eternally proceeding (from). There is much more love within the person of the Trinity than in those who argue over how to define it. The love within the Trinity is a sign to us to overcome our differences in love. Holding the truth in pride is different from holding the truth in love, and not being able to bear with the weaker brother both quenches and grieves the Spirit.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, your unfathomable in your depths yet important in your work. Help me to rely on you even if I cannot fully understand you. Give me the grace I need to know enough of your faithful love to trust in you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
Thursday, January 24, 2013
1/25/13- Goodness, Truth, and Beauty
For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. (Psalm 84:11)
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)
Thoughts: Blessing comes from the Great Blesser. That we have many gifts is a sign that there is a Giver. To Him we owe thanks and worship. He is the author of truth- for He is the ultimate truth. There is nothing more real than the source of all reality. He who created the colors, the diamonds, the majestic mountains, the brilliant birds and flowers is the source of all beauty. God is the source of all that is good- truth, beauty, and goodness. How do we know beauty but with the eyes and senses that God gave us to judge. How do we know truth but with the discernment of God. Goodness too is defined not by majority vote or by fickle feeling- but by the One who created all things. The One who created all knows how it is best run, and what is ultimately good for creation is also ultimately good for God who created it. God defines good by Himself and His holiness.
Prayer: Thank you, O Lord, for your blessings in life- goodness, truth, and beauty- that radiates from your throne- your presence.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)
Thoughts: Blessing comes from the Great Blesser. That we have many gifts is a sign that there is a Giver. To Him we owe thanks and worship. He is the author of truth- for He is the ultimate truth. There is nothing more real than the source of all reality. He who created the colors, the diamonds, the majestic mountains, the brilliant birds and flowers is the source of all beauty. God is the source of all that is good- truth, beauty, and goodness. How do we know beauty but with the eyes and senses that God gave us to judge. How do we know truth but with the discernment of God. Goodness too is defined not by majority vote or by fickle feeling- but by the One who created all things. The One who created all knows how it is best run, and what is ultimately good for creation is also ultimately good for God who created it. God defines good by Himself and His holiness.
Prayer: Thank you, O Lord, for your blessings in life- goodness, truth, and beauty- that radiates from your throne- your presence.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
12413- God's Generosity Does Not Change
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)
Thoughts: God does not need to change in order to grow. God does not need get old or decay as we do (Isa. 40:31). He not only is the life giver, but He is life itself- the one who offers eternal life.
But God is also loving and generous- and that does not change. He is the constant giver and provider. If He were to withhold His breath we would melt. Yet we count on the sun's rising and a new day not because of our own ability, or even a certain consistency in the solar system. It is hard to trust an impersonal system. Perhaps that is why too many people are continually looking for falling asteroids and Mayan calendar endings. In contrast to the Chicken littles of our day are those who trust God both in life and in death. God is trustworthy as well as kind and generous. He doesn't change in His generosity as our verse above points out. Every single gift we have is a gift from God. All we see and have we did not make.
So, we can trust God because He is trustworthy, faithful, and does not change. His promises are true and reliable, but His being is also reliable and true. In a world that is changing rapidly-sometimes in good ways and sometimes in bad- we can trust in the kind and faithful Father.
Prayer: Help me to have peace in you, O Lord. Help me to find you are generous and kind- more than I deserve or even ask for.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
(Sunrsie over Galilee)
Thoughts: God does not need to change in order to grow. God does not need get old or decay as we do (Isa. 40:31). He not only is the life giver, but He is life itself- the one who offers eternal life.
But God is also loving and generous- and that does not change. He is the constant giver and provider. If He were to withhold His breath we would melt. Yet we count on the sun's rising and a new day not because of our own ability, or even a certain consistency in the solar system. It is hard to trust an impersonal system. Perhaps that is why too many people are continually looking for falling asteroids and Mayan calendar endings. In contrast to the Chicken littles of our day are those who trust God both in life and in death. God is trustworthy as well as kind and generous. He doesn't change in His generosity as our verse above points out. Every single gift we have is a gift from God. All we see and have we did not make.
So, we can trust God because He is trustworthy, faithful, and does not change. His promises are true and reliable, but His being is also reliable and true. In a world that is changing rapidly-sometimes in good ways and sometimes in bad- we can trust in the kind and faithful Father.
Prayer: Help me to have peace in you, O Lord. Help me to find you are generous and kind- more than I deserve or even ask for.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
(Sunrsie over Galilee)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
112313= God does Not Need to Change
But you remain the same and your years will never end. (Psalm 102:27)
The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of God endures forever. Do you not know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth? He will not grow weary or tired. (Isaiah 40:8,31)
Thoughts: God defines life and strength. He is the ground of all being, the life behind life. He does not grow weary and does not need to change or grow. There is no weakness or imperfection of God that causes God to morph toward something better. God does not need to know more- for He knows all. He does not need to grow for He fills the universe. He does not need to have more peace and love for He defines peace and love. God does not need more than the penultimate- and He is that penultimate. So God does not need to change- nor is he discontent with Himself for He has no weakness or sin with which to be discontent. So our peace, our strength, our hope rests in Him.
Prayer: May my strength, O Lord, grow in your great strength. May my love grow by your love.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of God endures forever. Do you not know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth? He will not grow weary or tired. (Isaiah 40:8,31)
Thoughts: God defines life and strength. He is the ground of all being, the life behind life. He does not grow weary and does not need to change or grow. There is no weakness or imperfection of God that causes God to morph toward something better. God does not need to know more- for He knows all. He does not need to grow for He fills the universe. He does not need to have more peace and love for He defines peace and love. God does not need more than the penultimate- and He is that penultimate. So God does not need to change- nor is he discontent with Himself for He has no weakness or sin with which to be discontent. So our peace, our strength, our hope rests in Him.
Prayer: May my strength, O Lord, grow in your great strength. May my love grow by your love.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise
Monday, January 21, 2013
1/22/13- The Unchangeable God
God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19)
Thoughts: Greek and pagan gods were fickle, changing with the clouds. But the God of the Bible was faithful when we were faithless; purposeful when we were purposeless; reliable when we were unreliable. God does not need to change His mind for He sees the future and all variables before they happen. A great chess master understands all the options quickly. A sophisticated man-made computer can create computer models to forecast stock futures and have even gotten much more reliable about forecasting storm tracks. God not only knows the variables, but He can (and does) control them. Because God is so faithful and reliable we can be assured that the promises He makes He will keep. Promises like holiness is the best way- and what is good one second is still good the next; Promises like He will love us to the end and we can rest assured of the hope of heaven without God changing the rules (or His mind) about inviting us there. The essential tenet below affirms God as "immutable, impassible and ineffable nor becoming more than He has been since there is no potential or becoming in Him." God is perfect and does not need to grow in knowledge or feeling toward us or anything else. It is a wishful illusion to think we can change God's being by our behavior or wishes. God is the solid rock and thus we change toward Him not vice versa. But as the solid rock, we can stand on Him with firm assurance.
Prayer: Lord, my Rock, help me to trust and rely on you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise.
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19)
Thoughts: Greek and pagan gods were fickle, changing with the clouds. But the God of the Bible was faithful when we were faithless; purposeful when we were purposeless; reliable when we were unreliable. God does not need to change His mind for He sees the future and all variables before they happen. A great chess master understands all the options quickly. A sophisticated man-made computer can create computer models to forecast stock futures and have even gotten much more reliable about forecasting storm tracks. God not only knows the variables, but He can (and does) control them. Because God is so faithful and reliable we can be assured that the promises He makes He will keep. Promises like holiness is the best way- and what is good one second is still good the next; Promises like He will love us to the end and we can rest assured of the hope of heaven without God changing the rules (or His mind) about inviting us there. The essential tenet below affirms God as "immutable, impassible and ineffable nor becoming more than He has been since there is no potential or becoming in Him." God is perfect and does not need to grow in knowledge or feeling toward us or anything else. It is a wishful illusion to think we can change God's being by our behavior or wishes. God is the solid rock and thus we change toward Him not vice versa. But as the solid rock, we can stand on Him with firm assurance.
Prayer: Lord, my Rock, help me to trust and rely on you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise.
1/21/13- Trinity- oneness and diverse
14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Thoughts: In the passage above, Paul included all three persons of the Trinity in his benediction. This is a common Christian benediction (blessing) used in worship. The grace, love, and fellowship of God are three strands in the same rope. Some have tried to describe the Trinity using things we see like H2O is water, ice, and steam- all the same molecule yet different; like the sun, the heat of the sun, and the light of the sun- all part of the sun yet different; or a person can be a father, son, and worker- the same person wearing different hats. each illustration has true limitations and only points to the fact that three can be one and one can be three. The "mystery" of the trinity is not so simply defined or fully and exhaustively described. God is one essence in three persons, and cannot be divided against Himself. It is this oneness of God that defines that the Spirit does not contradict Himself, nor the Son contradict the Word inspired and illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
The tenet below holds that the three persons are "consubstantial with one another." That means that they exist with each other at the same time. So at the baptism of Christ- Jesus was in the water, the Spirit was descending like a dove, and the voice of the Father was heard from heaven- they were all there at once, yet differently.
They are coeternal. This means that the Father did not create the Son or Spirit- but the Son was begotten before time began and is as infinite as the Father. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was I am." The Spirit is described as "hovering over the waters" (in Genesis 1) before the world began. God describes Himself as the great I am. Jesus describes himself as the beginning and the end, alpha and omega.
They are co-equal. It is clear that the Father glorifies the Son at his baptism with his voice, and at the ascension. Jesus said that he came to glorify the Father. The Spirit is described in John 14 and 16 as bringing to remembrance the words of the Son and glorifying the Son. There is no power struggle among the persons of the Trinity- only complete love and oneness in the godhead.
It is clear in the great benediction above that Paul is calling and praying for God's blessing by appealing to each person of the Trinity. So it is appropriate that we pray to each person. The common language is we pray "to the Father, through the Son by the Holy Spirit." Yet it is also true in Paul's example that we appeal to each person directly.
On this Martin Luther King Day- may we appreciate that both oneness and diversity may exist- even in the person of God at the same time.
Prayer: May your grace, O Christ; your love, O God; and your presence, O Holy Spirit- be with me this day to guide me, protect me, lead me in ways that please you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise.
Thoughts: In the passage above, Paul included all three persons of the Trinity in his benediction. This is a common Christian benediction (blessing) used in worship. The grace, love, and fellowship of God are three strands in the same rope. Some have tried to describe the Trinity using things we see like H2O is water, ice, and steam- all the same molecule yet different; like the sun, the heat of the sun, and the light of the sun- all part of the sun yet different; or a person can be a father, son, and worker- the same person wearing different hats. each illustration has true limitations and only points to the fact that three can be one and one can be three. The "mystery" of the trinity is not so simply defined or fully and exhaustively described. God is one essence in three persons, and cannot be divided against Himself. It is this oneness of God that defines that the Spirit does not contradict Himself, nor the Son contradict the Word inspired and illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
The tenet below holds that the three persons are "consubstantial with one another." That means that they exist with each other at the same time. So at the baptism of Christ- Jesus was in the water, the Spirit was descending like a dove, and the voice of the Father was heard from heaven- they were all there at once, yet differently.
They are coeternal. This means that the Father did not create the Son or Spirit- but the Son was begotten before time began and is as infinite as the Father. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was I am." The Spirit is described as "hovering over the waters" (in Genesis 1) before the world began. God describes Himself as the great I am. Jesus describes himself as the beginning and the end, alpha and omega.
They are co-equal. It is clear that the Father glorifies the Son at his baptism with his voice, and at the ascension. Jesus said that he came to glorify the Father. The Spirit is described in John 14 and 16 as bringing to remembrance the words of the Son and glorifying the Son. There is no power struggle among the persons of the Trinity- only complete love and oneness in the godhead.
It is clear in the great benediction above that Paul is calling and praying for God's blessing by appealing to each person of the Trinity. So it is appropriate that we pray to each person. The common language is we pray "to the Father, through the Son by the Holy Spirit." Yet it is also true in Paul's example that we appeal to each person directly.
On this Martin Luther King Day- may we appreciate that both oneness and diversity may exist- even in the person of God at the same time.
Prayer: May your grace, O Christ; your love, O God; and your presence, O Holy Spirit- be with me this day to guide me, protect me, lead me in ways that please you.
A. Trinity
The triune nature of God is the first great mystery of the Christian
faith. With Christians everywhere, we worship the only
true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - who is both one
essence and three persons. God is infinite, eternal, immutable,
impassible, and ineffable. He cannot be divided against
Himself, nor is He becoming more than He has been, since
there is no potential or becoming in Him. He is the source
of all goodness, all truth and all beauty, of all love and all life,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The three persons
are consubstantial with one another, being both coeternal,
and coequal, such that there are not three gods, nor are there
three parts of God, but rather three persons within the one
Godhead. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and
the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son. All
three persons are worthy of worship and praise.
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