Monday, January 14, 2013

1/14/13- Breaking Chains

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1) 

Thoughts: It has been said for centuries- "Christ has set us free."  Yet, for centuries skeptics believe that Christ takes our freedom away.  The difference may be that Christ- when we are fully given to him- takes our desire for the things that enslave us away.  Things like drugs, over-indulgence, sexual immorality.  But He doesn't just take our desire away, He replaces them with better desires that fit in with how we are designed- things like focus, direction, love and marriage, commitment to making a healthy family.  The things that locked up our consciences and hearts are opened so our hearts become tender and sensitive again to God. 

Prayer: May we, Lord, be set free from the chains of evil. Keep us this day from going back to those chains.  Instead, set me free to be the person I was made to be for your glory, and for the opportunity to enjoy you.  

We confess that God alone is Lord of the conscience, but this
freedom is for the purpose of allowing us to be subject always
and primarily to God’s Word. The Spirit will never prompt
our conscience to conclusions that are at odds with the Scriptures
that He has inspired. The revelation of the incarnate
Word does not minimize, qualify, or set aside the authority of
the written Word. We are happy to confess ourselves captive
to the Word of God, not just individually, but also as members
of a community of faith, extending through time and around
the globe. In particular, we join with other members of the
Presbyterian and Reformed community to affirm the secondary
authority of the Book of Confessions as a faithful exposition of
the Word of God.

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