Tuesday, May 10, 2016

There is a Time to Abstain and a Time to Bear Fruit

1Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. (1 Corinthians 7)

Thoughts: Paul was saying that because of the difficulties of the time (7:26)- especially the persecution of the church- that it is best to abstain from sexual relations- at this particular time (7:5) .  Remember there was no birth control then, and to have children when people needed to move or escape in times of persecution was important.
    The other thing he says here is that married sex is a good way to stop sexual immorality.  This has been proven true over the centuries.  In the 1800s and 1900s mission boards often required their missionaries to get married before going on the field so that the missionary would not marry natives, or give into sexual immorality.  It generally worked and also provided a strong partner for the missionary.
     Another almost assumed statement made here is that a man should have sexual relations with his own wife and each woman with her own husband.  He is very explicit here in order to remove any confusion.  He did this because there was confusion about the need to stay monogamous then (as there is confusion today).  Sexuality is to be treated with respect and as special.  It is meant to be restricted to marriage where it is guarded with commitment and trust.
     I have heard some talking heads (television self-proclaimed "experts") say that sexual abstention is almost impossible and is unhealthy.  People get up in arms when sexual abstention until marriage is taught in schools- and would much rather teach about sex with birth control.  Yet I have never seen an STD caught by someone abstaining from sexual relations.  Abstention is the only 100% sure way to control birth.  I know of people who have used birth control pills and have gotten pregnant though following the instruction meticulously, and some who have gotten pregnant using condoms. Nor have I seen the emotional trauma of rape, sexual abuse, adultery, the feeling of being used coming from sexual abstention (as I do from open-bordered sexuality).  Children and some single folks abstain for long periods of time and are perfectly healthy body and soul.  It is true sexuality is a God-given desire, but like all desires (like the desire for things) it should be controlled and restricted to the proper time, date, and place.  We do not, for example allow (or think it is okay to have) intimate sex acts in public.  People will yell, "Get a room!"  It is possible to have self-control, and God can help us have self control.  There is also the command in scripture that balances this out, "Be fruitful and multiply."  There  is, as Ecclesiastes said, "A time for every purpose under heaven."  

Prayer: Lord,  help me to be a holy person in every way.   May my whole person, including my most intimate sexual self honor you. 

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