Saturday, July 9, 2016

Where is the Light?

The light shines in the darkness- but the darkness has not understood it.  (John 1)

15nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:15-16)

Thoughts: Tonight we flew into Villahermosa Mexico which is a city over a half million and the capital of Tobasco state.  The city itself seems like a growing place.  But flying in I noticed something strange.  For miles and miles, even though it was dark there were no lights.  Every now and then I would see a whole neighborhood lit up from the air, but most of the houses I could still see in the now set sun were dark with an occasional car light.  I wonder how God sees us from His heavenly perspective.  Do we light up our world?  Do we let our light shine?  Do we care about those who are in darkness- or do we even believe in darkness anymore?  Jesus is the light of the world that we want shining in every home- every village in every land.  It is sad when people live in physical darkness because of little money or infrastructure, but it is even sadder when people live in spiritual darkness.
     The other day I went to a dermatologist for a checkup.  She had a special light that would show any cancer in my skin.  Jesus is the light that shows our weaknesses and failures- not that we would feel guilty- but that He can cure them and help them.  I wish there were a special light that we could shine on people to see if they really had faith or not- or if they were seeking faith in their lives.

Prayer: Lord, let my light shine for you.  Use me to light up the world around me, and to go to places to spread your light in the darkness.

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