Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Psalm 8

 1Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.  2Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

3When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 

5You have made them d a little lower than the angels eand crowned them f with glory and honor.  
6You made them rulers over the works of your hands; You put everything under their g feet:7all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, 8the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas

9Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Thoughts: This is simply a great Psalm to relate Almighty God to seemingly insignificant human beings.  It asks the question- Why do you even consider us?  
The answer involves the greatness of God.  He is truly great.  He (a personal God by name), has set His glory in the heavens, creating the moon, the stars, order/direction in the universe, and angels (larger creatures than ourselves).  
The writer does not say that the answer for God's care in the universe is God's love.  Rather, the writer implies that caring for human beings in itself is part of the glory of His power.  He is able to care for human beings.  
There are times in our lives that we feel too insignificant.  We feel that God is not able to love us because of our sin, our smallness, or our wanting to hide from Him.  But the great power of God is that He knows us- and lifts us up by our very nature.  
Then the writer points out that human beings are considered "rulers over the work of their hands- animals, birds, fish.  We are certainly called to be stewards of this earth. 
But this brings another question, what are the smallest compared to the largest parts of the universe?  
The smallest- to micro smallest: 
1) Space-Time Fabric= 1D string 9.5 x 10(-36m)
2) Planck Particle= 1.5 x 10 (-34m)
3) Electron Neutrino= 10 x (-24m)
4) Top Quark 5.8 x 10 (-22m)
5) Bottom Quark 2.4 x 10 (-20m)
6) Charm Quark 8 x 10 (-20m)
7) Strange Quark 1.5 x 10 (-19m)
8) Electron 1 x 10 (-18m)
9) Boson 1.1 x 10 (-17m)
10) Tau 4 x 10 (-16m)
11) Proton and Neutron 8.4 x 10 (-16m)
12) Uranium Nucleus 1.4 x 10 (-14m)
13) Atoms (Caesium= 596pm)
14) DNA 1.5 nm
15) Viruses- Influenze 80nm
16) Chromosome 8 um
17) Ant 5mm; Flea 2mm
18) Humans 1.8m (5'10")
19) Elephant 3.3m
20) Blue Whale 20.5m
21) Hyperion Tree (Tallest Organism) 116 m
22) Jeddah Tower (Tallest building/thing made) 1007m/3303 ft
23) Everest 8.8 km
24) Moon 3,475 km (2,159 miles in diameter)
25) Earth 12,756 km =7,926 miles in diameter (40,074km in circumference=24,901 miles)
26) Jupiter 142,800 km (can fit 1,300 earths inside of it)
27) The sun 1,390,000 km
28) The stars- Polaris/North Star 52M km; Pistol Star 440 M km; UYScuti 2375 M km
29) Our Solar System 15B Km (Kuiper belt)
30) Largest Black Hole S5 0014+81 = 237 B km
31) Light Year 1.5 T km
32) Milky Way 1 Zetameter = 10 (+21m)
33) Piecus Cetus Super Galaxy Cluster 1,000,000,000 LY
34) Our Universe 93,000,000,000 LY
[Note- much information came from "the Explained Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGu8qkbjwL0)

We are indeed small (in counting) compared to the smallest particle, and small (in stature) compared to the largest things known.  The majesty of God is seen in that He created it all, and did so not chaotically but with a purpose.  
When we google such things, we do not wonder if google can possibly pick our question out of 105,000 inquiries each second (6.3 million per minute).  If google knows, cannot God know.  If Google can know where you live, who you are, what you like, cannot God?  He is greater, and more powerful than any machine we can create.  
Thank you God that you are mindful of us!  Help us to be mindful of you- King of the Universe!

Prayer: Lord, how great you are.  You know the smallest and the largest for you made all things and direct all things.  Help me, this day, to remember you in what I do. 

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