Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13- Born for Us

But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, (Gal. 4:4)

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:6,7) 

Thoughts: That God cared enough to come down in human form is an amazing miracle.  Christ is the Word incarnate- God made flesh.  We see who God is by His humanity.  God does not leave us but comes down for us.  God did not abandon us but comes to suffer for us.  He was born by and cared for by a woman- and was born into the problems of life.  He accommodated and submitted Himself to the life.   Christians believe this essential tenet- that Jesus was not just a good man or a good teacher, but God in the flesh- born for us.  Certainly, the witness of the New Testament gospels is that Jesus claimed divinity.  He claimed eternity ("Before Abraham was-I am"). He showed His power over nature (calming the storm, getting taxes from a fish, multiplying bread for the hungry). He claimed to be the way to eternal life ("I am the way the truth the life"- Jn. 14:6).  He claimed to forgive sins- for which they tried to stone Him.  He claimed that He was the Messiah- for which His hometown neighbors sought to throw Him over the cliff. He claimed to be the eternal Son of the Father- with a special relationship.  At His trial the high priests tore their robes claiming that He blasphemed God by claiming to be God.  Even as He died He claimed power to forgive, power to give life to the thief beside Him, and a special relationship with the Father.  The carol says, " Born that we no more may die.  Born to raise the sons of earth- born to give them second birth."  That God was born is finally confirmed that He is raised from the dead- not an ordinary feat.  To the early Christians- Christ is the Word who was with God, was God, and became flesh (John 1).  

B. Incarnation
This is the second great mystery of the Christian faith, affirmed by all Christians everywhere: that Jesus Christ is both truly God and truly human. As to His divinity, He is the Son, the second person of the Trinity, being of one substance with the Father; as to His humanity, He is like us in every way but sin, of one substance with us, like us in having both a human soul and a human body. As to His divinity, He is eternally begotten of the Father; as to His humanity, He is born of the virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. As to His divinity, His glory fills heaven and earth; as to His humanity, His glory is shown in the form of a suffering servant, most clearly when He is lifted up on the cross in our place.

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