Monday, October 26, 2015

Observing in the Community

October 27 –In the Community – Mark 6:7
The following information is taken and adapted from the resource Starting New Churches by Brian Clark, et al.

Read Mark 6:7.
“ Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.”

He [Jesus] called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. Jesus sometimes sent disciples in twos to handle special
 Jesus sent two disciples to fetch the donkey on which he’d ride into Jerusalem—Matthew 21:1
 Jesus sent two disciples to prepare for Passover— Mark 14:13

What ministry have you done/do you do with a partner and why? What are the advantages of serving with another person? Think about people with whom you could partner in ministry. Pray about this.

Walk or drive around this area in which LMPC does ministry.
Who is there?
What are they doing?
Who are they in age? Gender? Race or ethnicity?
What are they talking about?
What language are they speaking?
How are they dressed?
Do they live in the area? Do they work in the area?
What sounds do you hear?
What levels of car/bus/foot traffic do you observe?
Are there sidewalks? Street lights? Signage?
What do the people you are observing already have?
What do they need?
What else do you notice?
Pray for the people you observed.  Ask God to reveal if this might be where you

are called to “do a new thing” in Jesus’ name. How can we see the people and space through God’s eyes?

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