Monday, July 21, 2014

2 Corinthians 3 (7/22/14)

4Such confidence we have through Christ before God. 5Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 6He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—...11And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!
12Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 

Thoughts: Where do you get your confidence?  It is not in and of ourselves. Our confidence is not based on our looks, our strength/health, our mental capacity.  God gives all of those things- and He also gives us confidence/faith in what will last.  If we are God's side, we work, not for temporary glory, but for eternal glory which lasts.  I have seen a little chihuahua have great confidence while a huge greyhound be as she as can be.  It is not the little dog in the fight that counts- but the fight in the little dog!  Christians do not need to be ashamed, embarrassed.  They are on the winning and right side- the side of the Maker- the side of the One who loves them.  The world needs to know the message that Christians have.  It is a message that can bring hope to the hopeless, strength to the weary, and love to the broken hearted.  It is a message that there is a cosmic and eternal forgiveness that enables us to escape the mistakes, failures, and mess-ups of the past.
      A couple of small things here.  Paul says that they are his letter.  Paul's credentials rest on their character.  They tell the world the message Paul has to give.  They prove that people can be changed for the better in Christ.
      The part about the letter, the law, veiled faces and all refers to Moses' receiving the Ten Commandments (engraved on stone).  The Law/commandments of the Old Testament is seen as a lesser glory than the grace received in Christ found in the New Testament.  When Moses received the Ten Commandments- which teach us where we fail but do not teach us how to be forgiven/saved- he had a glow about him- a temporary glory.  But we work for an eternal glory.  Give yourself for the eternal glory- and you will find confidence and hope. 

Prayer: Lord, give me confidence in you.  We put no confidence in our own temporary bodies. Use me to spread your glory to be a letter to others for you. 

Moses with glowing and veiled face


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