Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29- 40 DAYS DAY 2- Ps. 119:63

9/29- Monday- Psalm 119:63 I am united with all who fear you, and with everyone who keeps your precepts. (ISV)

Bonhoeffer Quote: “Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ.  No Christian community is more or less than this.” 

Thoughts: There is a “tie that binds” in love with God.  It is like a triangle with God at the top and us at the bottom.  The closer we get to God the closer we get to each other.  When we are on the same path together, there is fellowship.  Fellowship is a way.  It is a way of faith and it is a way of living.  If we took Jesus Christ out of our church, we would not just have a missing ingredient- we would wither on the vine.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  But it is this respect for God and His Word that brings a common focus in the fellowship. Jesus Christ creates the church, and He sustains it.  He gives us faith and He calls us to unite together in respect and honor of Him.  The English “worship” comes from the old English “worthy-ship.”  He is worthy of our respect and listening. 

Prayer: In the busy-ness of life, help me to respect you above myself.  Give me listening ears.

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