Friday, June 19, 2015

Pray for Charleston

31“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. 32“A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:31-33) 

Thoughts: This week in South Carolina, nine people were shot in a church in the name of racial hatred.  Persecution of those who follow Christ comes in all shapes and sizes. A racial killing of three pastors and six others in a Bible study inside a church is a persecution of the body of Christ. 
Jesus was persecuted- crucified because of hatred, envy, and fear.  His disciples ran away from persecution at first but later came back (after the resurrection and Pentecost0 and changed the world.  Each of them faced persecution later.
     In this world we will have trouble.  Trouble is a soft word.  The Greek for "trouble" is Thlipsin means persecution or tribulation.  It is not just that life is hard.  It is that we will have trouble.  We can expect that if we are faithful to Christ we will face trouble as Jesus did.
     Many have asked, "Why did God allow this shooting in Charleston?"  Maybe South Carolina is such a wicked place we brought this on ourselves.  I have lived in many places and do not think South Carolina is more sinful.  There are definitely things we could do to make South Carolina better- but evil still will come- in every and any state.
    Perhaps the answer to "why would God allow this?"  is being answered today- as people see that this life is not all there is.  Certainly Jesus allowed the cross and his own son's death.  But as Jesus said, "we can be of good cheer for He has overcome the world."  He said this before his arrest, death, and resurrection.  The world has no hold on Jesus in this life much less in the next. I have been amazed at the testimony of love, grace, perseverance and forgiveness shown by the people of Emmanuel A.M.E. and the families of the victims.  Their faith is shining through.  Revenge is not the way.  Jesus did not seek revenge- He forgave them on the cross, and the people of Charleston are showing more grace than is humanly possible.   This life is not all there is- thank God.  There is a God who sees and judges- and we leave ourselves in His gracious, loving, and powerful protection.  He will win in the end, and wins even now as we maintain faith. 

Prayer: We pray for the people of Charleston.  May your love show as the world watches. We pray peace for the grieving families and Emmanuel church.  

At St. John's AME (102 Broomstraw Rd) in Chapin, SC there will be a prayer vigil of many different churches 6/20 at 11 AM.

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