Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Reasons for International Missions

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Thoughts: There are so many needs here, why should we go far away to help people in missions in Christ's name?  This is a good and common question.  Missions means spending a lot of resources (time and money) to get to a place where the culture and language are different.  It seems a much better use of our resources to just minister here. 
      We have heard so much of the church being missional- but we have defined this as being solely local in scope.  There is a broadening to the love of Christ.
     Tomorrow I am leaving on a trip to Mexico to explore missions, and a good friend asked me this very question.  Here is a brief answer: 

1) Christ's love compels us- We are compelled to not keep the message to ourselves but to spread it- especially among those who have never heard.  Love for other humans that God has made is the most compelling reason.  Love for those who cannot help us back is even better.    
2) Christ commands us- Matthew 28:18-20 is not just for the twelve but for all of us.  There are many reasons why he sends us out.  But the making of disciples is a primary one.  
3) Christ's example elicits our going.  Christ left heaven to come to earth.  He was rich in heaven yet he accomodated Himself to us.  He came down that we might go up.  He crossed the cultural barriers in the most supreme way. 
4) We are better equipped for serving Christ and others when we go.  We learn ideas and we are inspired to not take things and life for granted.
5) While 90% of Americans believe in God, and 80% say they are followers of Christ, this is not true everywhere.  The field is more ripe for harvest elsewhere.  Yet going to share the good news helps us and trains us to share the good news here.  We can learn from our Christian partners overseas to share the good news more earnestly and hopefully.  The results of sharing faith are generally better in third world countries than in the West.
There are other reasons as well.  It provides peace and hope in the world.  I always come away with a deep sense of gratitude that God has blessed me.  But I am created not simply to bless me, my family, and my community.  We are all called to bless the world.  

Prayer: Lord, broaden my vision that I might serve you best wherever you call me to serve.  

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