Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Expectations vs Hope

Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring forth.  Proverbs 27:1

Son of Man can these bones live?  I said, Sovereign Lord, you alone know."  (Ezek. 37:3)

Thoughts:  The word "expectations" differs from the word "hope."  Expectations means we believe- expect, bank on, count on, almost demand that it happens.  The Bible doesn't use this word much.  We do not demand from God but we trust in Him. The word "hope" means a confidence in what we do not see.  I think that in this life we should have low expectations (because of the vicissitudes, problems, and sins of life), but high hopes (because of God). 
       Hope by itself (without God) can make us feel more positive and put a jump in our step.  But hope in the wrong object can end up being broken.  We do not hope in ourselves- no mater how skilled or intelligent we may be.  We do not put our trust in rulers or princes to save us.  We do not put our trust in our wealth- which we will leave behind for someone else.  We do not trust in our super weapons or army (Psalm 20:7; Isaiah 31:1).  The Bible says "the king is not saved by the size of his army" (Psalm 33:16).  Real hope is not just whistling in the air- or wishing without any basis.  Hope that will work is based in the reality of life.  The One who made all of life is the ultimate reality- for He created everything we see.   God calls us to believe in Him- which means to trust and hope in Him.  Many people say that the key to life is having high expectations.  But high expectations without any power makes little difference.  But on the other hand, to not put hope in the One who is asking us and calling for us to put our hope in Him- also makes little difference.  But if we hope in the One who is the Almighty-all-knowing God, then we will have victory over our worry, over our problems, over our sadness, over our debt, our broken relations,  over whatever.   Nothing is impossible with God.  These dried bones can live and come together and make a mighty army.  God can make a way, open the doors, and bring the answer that you think cannot be found.  One minister said, "Hope is putting its hand out in the darkness knowing with absolute confidence that God is reaching back from the other side." 

Prayer: Lord, help me to have hope.  Help my faith to develop hope.

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