Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy

Here is a link to the 2018 Advent Devotional: "Hope is Born" 

12/15- Hope in a Closed Womb- The Virgin Conceives
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive
and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. ...  (Isaiah 7:14)

Thoughts:  The virgin birth is not just a simplistic miracle.  It is a statement of God.  It is the way God is saying that He is doing something unusual, and that this person born is not unusual either.  You might expect that if God is going to come into the world, it would be in an unusual way.  He did come with angels; He did come with wise men bringing  gifts; but his actual birth was unusual- humble, yet spectacular. 
     Parthenogensis- is another name for virgin birth.  It happens in amoebas and in rabbits.  But in the Bible over and over again God tries to tell us that He is in control of our being born.  So Sarah conceives past 90.  So Rebekah conceives; So Rachel conceives; so Hannah conceives- when it was though impossible.  Mary and Hannah are actually two similar characters- both were humble and both conceived in an “impossible” way. 
     The virgin birth is a reminder that God became human but He is also different in holiness and in nature. 

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for your sign of special care in the virgin birth. 

Song: The virgin Mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy; the virgin Mary had a baby boy, and the name of the boy was Jesus.  He come from the glory, He come from the glorious kingdom. Oh yes, believer.  He come from the glorious kingdom. 
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