Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ears to Hear

12/16- Luke 8:8 (12/16- Luke 8:8 (and 7 more times) “Jesus said, ‘He who has an ear, let him hear.’”

Thoughts: Jesus said this phrase many, many times.  He is saying that God has equipped us to hear, but we have to be willing to use that equipment.   The problem is that there are many people who indeed ought to hear.  They are in the place to hear.  They are in the right time to hear.  They have every opportunity to heard but they refuse to listen.  We should ask ourselves- what in my mind or in my life would keep me from listening to Jesus.  Some of us are distracted.  Some of us love other things so much that they crowd out our ability to listen to God.  I know some golfers who are so consumed with golf that they have quit worshiping the Lord.  I know some video gamers who love video games so much that they have quit going to church to play more.  I know some parents who are convinced that their child will win a scholarship to dance or cheerleading, or sports and they teach their children to value such things more than worship.  I also know some parents who make sure their child is in worship no matter where they are or what they do.  If you have an ear to hear- and the opportunity to hear- take it and listen. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me ears to hear.  Help me to use the opportunities you offer me to make a difference in my life.

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