Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good to Wait

12/14- Matthew 25:1-13- The bridegroom was a long time coming and some of them fell asleep…Therefore keep watch for you do not know the day or the hour that He comes.

Thoughts: This is a great story reminding us to wait with expectation- looking and listening for God to come to us.  True listening to God is not just a five minute or even a thirty minute thing.  It is an attitude.  It is always being on the ready to respond.  The great story of the Minute Men of the American Revolution was that they could be ready in a minute if there was danger.  Or firefighters can be eating or sleeping but they are always listening for that call or alarm.  The police may be eating or riding but when someone dials 911- they respond.  The soldiers in an outpost must be at the ready when the signal goes out to go to their post. We must be ready.  A pregnant woman in her last trimester must be ready- bags packed, plans made- for they cannot fully plan the hour.  It is a lifestyle.  For the Christian this means having a willingness to let go of whatever minor thing we are doing to respond to God’s call upon our lives whatever that call involves and wherever that call leads.  Frankly it is an exciting life compared to those who think they will never get this call upon them.  

Prayer: Let me not be asleep at the switch, Lord.  Give me a listening ear- always ready to respond to you.    

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