Thursday, August 23, 2018


Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death. (Proverbs 19:18)

Thoughts: What does this mean?  In our day in the West is especially clear.  Discipline helps children- teens and adults to say no to immediate gratification-for a greater cause.  Discipline teaches focus and self-control.  Discipline helps in things like dieting- which a poor diet leads to poor health- and yes death.  Discipline helps us to say no to temptation which keeps fathers and mothers with children.  To discipline here does not simply mean "spank."  But it means to say no to our children, and not always say yes.  It means sometimes we are not our childrens' friends but someone who is looking out with their best interests in mind.  Hebrews 12:7 says "Endure suffering like disciipline.  Prov. 29:`15 says "a child left to himself disgraces his mother."  All studies show that the worst thing we can do for our children is not to pay them any attention- to ignore them.  In our day many set them in front of a TV or an ipad or a phone and just let them be entertained with the colors and songs of professional entertainers.  But do not leave a child to themselves.  Discipline takes work, attention and a whole lot of love.  It takes love to deny bad things even when a child is screaming at you.  But it teaches a child it is okay to not get everything they want.  

Prayer: Lord, give me grace to care for the children of my family, the grandchildren of my family, the children of my church and community.  When it is my responsibility, help me to love them by caring for them.   

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