Wednesday, April 22, 2020


So today is the 50th anniversary of "Earth Day."  Ironically, this was largely a creation of the educational system which is now shut down everywhere because of a different kind of environmental disaster- a global pandemic.   Twelve thousand schools took part in the first earth day, assuring its survival as an educational and secular observance.
    The Bible actually has a lot to say about valuing the earth.
1) Genesis 2:15- The Lord God puts human being to work and take care of His garden.  We are called as believers in God to be good stewards/caretakers of the earth.
2) Psalm 28:1- The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof.  All of the earth is God's creation and treasured possession.  The earth is not our Mother and God our Father, but God made the earth.  As such, we are to care for our Father's creation.
3) Psalm 121:1,2- "Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."  The God who made the earth is powerful to help us as well.  There are many more verses as well that point to our need to value the earth- as both a home and a special creation of God.
    So educating ourselves against pollution but more importantly how to make the best (non-selfish) and careful use of the earth's environment resources is important.  We will miss having schools rally for the earth today.  But it is still possible to celebrate individually and as families.  In South Carolina, the virus has shut down the schools for the rest of this year.  I know many teachers who know that this is best but are truly sad about missing their children and colleagues.  Jesus, by the way, was largely home-schooled (John 7:15).  But He could read, write, and teach in the rabbinic style.  There were synagogues in Galilee that had their bet-sefers (schools).  But Jesus was also schooled in the observance of God's providence.  So He valued the sparrows, and the lilies of the field, but He also valued all people.  People pollute and spread viruses, but still Jesus teaches us to value others as part of God's creation.  While people have the opportunity to spread disease, they also have been given skills and abilities to cure it- and no animal can claim that.  While people may pollute, they also can clean up.  While people may spread war, they also have the opportunity to work for peace.
     This world is not our only home.  But it is a bit like a first home that a young couple can barely afford to buy- "a fixer upper."  Then after repairing and paying down the loan they seek to get a bigger and nicer home.  One early Christian symbol was the hermit crab who goes from a small simple shell to a larger more beautiful one.  One day, those of us who believe, will have a home in heaven (those who do not believe would not open the door to go there).  Jesus says He goes there to prepare a place for us so that we may be with Him.  Our first home is also important- it is the only home we have while we have it.  We are to tend it.  But this home has viruses, disease, sickness, pain, tears, death, destruction and meanness.  Those things will be gone in our better home to come.  But in the mean time- let us work for the eradication of the destructive things in our current home.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to value this home- this earth.  Help me to make this world a better place while keeping an eye on my next home too


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