Sunday, April 26, 2020

I want to Know Christ and His Power

I want to know Christ--yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. (Philippians 3:10, 11) 

Thoughts: I am going to concentrate on these verses a bit this week.  The point of these verses is to know Christ and His resurrection power.  But there is a lot of deep meaning here.  I think at Eastertide (which is what we are in now) and during Coronavirustide (which is what we are stuck in now), there is some deep truths for us.
First- I want to know Christ.  Now, Paul already knows Christ.  Yet there is so much more to know.  I know my wife, yet I do not fully know her.
It is not just knowledge about Christ that Paul is referring to.  I know about Queen Elizabeth, but I have never met her.  It is one thing to know about Christ- that He lived in Palestine, died there and is an important teacher.
It is not just knowledge and following of His teachings here that is important.  Of course, His teachings of love, of grace, of respect are important.  But this is not the knowledge that Paul sought more and more.
It is the knowledge of His person experientially that Paul sought.  Paul wanted to know God and to love God.  God is infinite.  The Scriptures are finite but point to the infinite God truly. 
    Often I hear people say, "You can never know about God- your guess is as good as mine."  If God did not reveal Himself that would be true.  But Jesus claims to be the revelation of God ("He who has seen me has seen the Father", et al.).  Scriptures claim this about Him too ("The exact representation of the invisible God").  Scriptures do not explain or answer everything.  But what they say is true enough for us.
     In our Coronavirus Time, we are struggling to find hope based on truth.  It is time to stop going our own way- and turn to go God's way.  It is time to stop naval gazing at our own abilities and accomplishments and start looking to know the infinite God and love Him better. 

Prayer: Lord, help me to know you.  Let me seek more of you in my mind, soul, and life. Help me to grow in my love for you.  Amen.  

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