Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Final Loneliness of Jesus

From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.  About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud boice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" Which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me."...and when he cried again in a loud voice [probably saying "It is finished"] He gave up His spirit.  (Matthew 27:45,46, 50).

Thoughts: Pain- even with a lot of people around you is miserable.  Some people want to face their pain alone- while most want to face pain with others.  Jesus had the worst of both worlds- He had people watching His misery, mocking Him.  While others saw but were unable to help or speak comforting words because of the soldiers and pharisees who did not want Him to be comfortable or comforted.  Jesus faced the pain of the cross utterly alone.  He felt forsaken- even by the Father whom He knew so well and loved so much. 
    Of course Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22:1 which speaks of a a prayer from a man in terrible pain and loneliness.  Some say this cry was an indication of a deeper theological truth of bearing the sins of the world as a sacrificial lamb.  They would point out (as Calvin did) that hell is separation.   from God- and that separation- utter isolation and loneliness is what Jesus went through for us; because God who is pure cannot look on sin.  There is a lot of truth in this.  But I believe it is good today to think about the forsaken isolation and loneliness of Christ here.  He knows what it is like to be abandoned- Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him, all the disciples fled away, the people He loved mocked Him and crucified Him, and now as He went through the pain and heartache of the cross.  He was utterly alone. 
    I feel for those who have Covid 19 and cannot see friends and family- no one can hold their hand while they are sick or even while they die.  No preacher can come, no family member can say goodbye.  It is a terrible way to die if for no other reason than dying slowly without those who know and love you.  I have heard so many talk about how their elderly relatives and friends in nursing homes are so lonely because there can be no visitors.  Loneliness is not good for the immune system or the will to live.  To those who are going crazy in this time with loneliness and in isolation- Jesus understands- He has been there.  But, He was not isolated for health reasons, He was isolated out of meanness and evil intent. 
    If this were all there was to the story, it would be horribly sad.  But you know the end, and it was not found on the cross or the tomb.  There is Good News even in the cross- Jesus is our sacrifice and there is forgiveness, understanding, and grace found for us there.  But, perhaps the best news is that Jesus does not stay on the cross or in the tomb- but He breaks out.  But that is for tomorrow's devotional. 
    In the meantime, not only know that Jesus understands loneliness and isolation.  But also look for ways to help others in their loneliness and isolation too.

Prayer: Lord, in my loneliness, look on me with pity and mercy.  We turn to you with our whole heart and turn away from the sin that put you on the cross.  Have mercy on us, O Christ.  Heal our land, heal our souls, heal our spirits.

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