Monday, April 20, 2020

Jesus One on One

There are so many passages in the New Testament that point out that Jesus was in a crowd, yet he spoke to so many one on one.  In our time of isolation- we too can look for ways to be alone with someone else.

Here are some examples:
Mt. 15 The Canaanite woman- she said to him, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs from the table."
Mt. 17- A man prays for healing for his son's seizures "Lord have mercy on my son"
             "What do you think Simon [about the Temple tax]
The rich young man; the Pharisee who complained about the woman washing Jesus' feet; To Mary and Martha; to the woman who hemorrhaged [".  Who touched me?"]'  To Judas- "What you are about to do, do it quickly." Even one on one with the chief priest, Herod, and Pilate at His trial.  These are only a few.  Jesus managed to be alone and focused in a crowd to someone one on one.  It is a gift to listen and focus on others as Jesus was able to do.  He was always open to chance encounters.  Of course Jesus spent a lot of one on one time with Peter and the 12.
      Last week Kay and I were walking our dog and a deputy who lives in our neighborhood waived at us, and we waived back.  Then he circled the block and we introduced ourselves.  He asked if I was a preacher.  Then he asked me to pray for him.  That will be one of my treasured memories from this corona-virus time.  We prayed in the middle of the street (6 feet apart) for his protection and that God would surround him with his angels.
      One day I was in Publix. I had misplaced my mask so I had to go in maskless.  I never felt quite so exposed- everyone had a mask but me and the young workers.  I saw a church member in the toilet paper aisle.  I had found one pack misplaced on a top shelf.  He said he was looking for some TP.  I pointed him to the last remaining misplaced pack.  That is a good memory!
     But perhaps the best memories is spending extra time with the One God gave me 40 years ago- my wife.
      I have really missed seeing people one on one.  I have missed visiting visitors, and looking people in the eye, and being able to hold hands and pray together.  But I believe, if we are looking, we will be able to see opportunities that God puts in our path to make a difference for Him.

Prayer: Lord, help me to find a way to be one on one with others even in this time of separation.

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