Saturday, July 4, 2015

7/5/15- He has Set us Free

Blessed be  the Lord, the God of Israel; He came and set His people free. He set the power of salvation in the center of our lives, and in the very house of David his servant, just as he promised long ago through the preaching of His holy prophets: Deliverance from our enemies and every hateful hand; Mercy to our fathers, as He remembers to do what He said He'd do.  (Luke 1:67-68- MSG)

Thoughts: When God sets His people free from those who would oppress them and persecute them, it is a true blessing.  Today freedom is especially worth noting.  In our state (South Carolina) there are people who would like to take away both our freedom and our peace with hate.  The hate mongers would start a race war.  There are those who would stir it up on both sides.  There is freedom in love and doing love in loving ways.  Governments can be over-reaching and oppressive as they forsake any recognition that freedom comes from God.  God gives us life- without which there would be no freedom.  God gives us inner freedom that can never be taken away by any law or restriction.  The freedom of the soul is what Zechariah was talking about in Luke 1 (not freedom from the oppressive and pagan Romans).  Jesus delivers us from a hateful world by forgiveness, steadfast moral rectitude, and a great abiding love- shown clearly on the cross.  Many came to America to escape the oppressive central governments of other countries who restricted belief and faith.  We should not take our freedom for granted and we should ask God to preserve our exterior freedom by preserving our interior freedom given in Christ.

Prayer: For freedom, you have set me free, Lord.  Let me use my freedom wisely- not forsaking you or your law, but listening to your living Word.

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