Wednesday, September 28, 2016

New Creation

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
(2 Corinthians 5:17)

Thoughts: This is one of the seminal verses in the New Testament.  There is so much here.
First it says that it is possible for anyone to be in Christ.  No matter what you have or don't; how much you know, or don't; no matter who you are or where you are from; or even what how bad or good you have been in the past.  Anyone can come.
    But we come to be "In Christ." This is a mystical but important union.  We are adopted "into" His family.  We are a part of His body- part of who He is, and He is part of who we are.  But this oneness is contingent on our believing in Him- following Him. Anyone is welcome- but we must be one with Him not only in faith but also on His same path.  Anyone should not say they are one with Christ but then not even try to follow in His way.
      But once you are truly in Christ everything is different- it is new.  It is like, as Jesus said (John 3), we are born again.  The old way of life- the old way of thinking and looking at things is gone.  No longer do we live for ourselves or live for some temporary cause.  There is a new heaven and a new earth in our eyes.  We look at things with new glasses.  A person in the dark may not see well-but when they put on night vision goggles they see everything.  A person who has faith sees people as valuable; life as purposeful; work as a way to glorify God; the words we say and deeds we do as meaningful.  Anyone who is in Christ can have everything new. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you invite even me to this new way of life.  Thank you for giving me another chance- a new lease on life.   

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